Newsletter | March 2019
  GRIHA trophy at World Sustainable Development Summit, 2019, New Delhi

The session was organized to showcase the winning entries of “The GRIHA Trophy” at NASA. GRIHA trophy was launched at NASA (National Association of students of Architecture) in 2013-2014. National Association of students of Architecture (NASA India) is one of the largest Architectural students Organizations in the world with student’s participants from more than two hundred colleges all over the India and countries around the world.

This year’s GRIHA Trophy brief was developed considering the recent growth in the residential and commercial real estate and their inclination to get GRIHA rating. Thus, the competition required the students to design a mixed use (residential and commercial) development for Experion Developers.

Design entry of National Institute of Technology, Raipur was declared the winner, followed by two special mentions School of Planning and Architecture - New Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. All these 3 entries presented their design at the WSDS (World Sustainable Development Summit) on 11th February 2019 at the thematic track – The GRIHA Trophy at NASA.
  MoU between GRIHA Council and Council of Architecture (CoA)
GRIHA Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Council of Architecture (CoA) on 11th February 2019, to work together in building a new era in the field of architecture; by taking initiatives in training students, faculty members and practicing architects and spread awareness about the GRIHA rating variants. The MoU was signed by Ar. Vijay Garg, President, Council of Architecture, and Shri Sanjay Seth, Chief Executive Officer, GRIHA Council.
  GRIHA Five Star Provisional Rating awarded to Milestone Experion center, Gurugram

More than 50% of the site surfaces that are visible to sky have been soft paved and/or shaded by trees, china mosaic, pergolas and solar panels. The project has demonstrated 50.34% reduction in energy consumption compared to GRIHA benchmark. 66.31% of building water demand has been reduced by installing low flow plumbing fixtures and 30% of water savings was achieved in landscape water requirement due to the use of efficient irrigation system. Furthermore, 34% of the habitable spaces are day lit and meet the daylight factors prescribed by the National Building Code of India. Also, the project has installed solar PV panels of 136 kWp capacity on site and REC of 38,000 kWh/annum to offset the conventional energy demand.
  Four new products have been enlisted in the GRIHA product catalogue
One new product from Retas Enviro Solutions Private Limited has been added under the category of "Rainwater Harvesting Filtration Systems" and three new products from A.K. Panels have been added under the category of "Doors & Windows: panels and frames, Inbuilt Furniture, False Ceiling, Internal Partitions, Flooring."

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SVAGriha: 9
Griha V 2015 : 18
Rain Water Harvesting Filtration Systems

Griha V 2/3 : 17
SVAGriha : 12
Griha V 2015 : 21

Griha V 2015 : 21
Griha V 2/3 : 17

Griha V 2015 : 21
Griha V 2/3 : 17
SVAGriha : 12
  GRIHA Training Programs in the upcoming quarter
Venue Date
Chennai 27th - 29th March, 2019

  GRIHA Certified Professional & Evaluator Exams in the upcoming quarter
Exam Date
Certified Professional 15th March, 2019
Evaluator 18 th May, 2019

  Editor's choice
Carbon capture & utilization ideas suck in air pollution in India
Our dependence on fossil fuels has vastly increased levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere, causing global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change considers CO2 removal technologies to be the need of the hour. Technologies to capture carbon dioxide have been around since the 1970s, but they had not gained commercial acceptance due to high costs. Initially, these technologies only focused on carbon capture and storage (CCS), but some recent innovations have introduced another carbon capture & utilization technology, where carbon emissions are turned into something useful.
Since the dawn of the Industrial Era, urbanization is considered to be an inevitable and universal process. This is because urbanization and urban areas have conditions that are prerequisites for the industrial and technological revolutions and the associated economic development that followed. The conditions for industrialization includes access to capital, entrepreneurs ready to use the capital in innovative ways, an easily accessible and open market and the availability of manpower. These conditions are less likely to develop in rural landscapes.
The Design Duo That Heroes Both Nature And Urban Architecture
Architecture should play to all the senses – the smell of vegetation after rain, the sound of birds and the wind in the trees, the texture of clay floor tiles and rough plaster.”

- Geoffrey Bawa
Across the globe, architecture has had a ubiquitous and rich history of interacting with its natural surroundings. From the hanging gardens of Babylon to the verandas of colonial-era bungalows, tedious effort and time have been spent crafting designs that best allow a structure to become a part of the landscape it sits upon. Yet, modern trends often show a relatively harsh disconnect between people’s homes and the land that frames them.

  GRIHA training program organized
3 day GRIHA V 2015 training programme at Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra
Date: 6th to 8th February, 2019
1 Day Training Programme for architecture student, Murthal, Sonepath, Haryana
Date: 8th February, 2019
3-Day Awareness Programme on GRIHA Variants, Noida
Date: 18th to 20th February, 2019
1 Day SVA GRIHA Training Programme, Panajim, Goa
Date: 27th February, 2019
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for training on GRIHA
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Copyright © 2018 GRIHA Council
GRIHA Council, 1st Floor, A - 260, Defence colony, New Delhi, 110024 (Ph : 011 4644 4500)
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