Pedalling towards a greener India: How to promote cycling and the Indian bicycle industry?
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TERI and ADaRSH organized a 'Green Tour' for the media professionals on November 11, 2014 at the Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, India's first net zero energy building. The tour aimed at demonstrating the green innovations incorporated in the building and provided an opportunity to explore green buildings and thereby help create awareness about the importance of going green.
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DDA sops may actuate Noida authority to concretise green building initiative
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GRIHA LD has undergone revisions and is now up for use with supporting examples. Have a look:
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Geothermal based heat pump integrated with remote monitoring system: TERI has designed and commissioned a geothermal based heat pump system for space cooling and heating in Arunachal Pradesh. The project will be a technology demonstration for the entire north east region where there is tremendous potential for geothermal energy utilisation as there is requirement of both cooling and heating in many parts of the region, which is ideal for such a system.
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Zed earth: A geo-thermal air conditioned apartment project. This is a 5-star SVAGRIHA project. Designed keeping mind the environment. Have a look at the green steps taken by ZED Earth.
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