Ms Mili Majumdar on 100 smart cities, delivering smartly.
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Green sense: a connect with local rating systems
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DDA to design layout plan for green buildings
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5th GRIHA Regional Conference on 'Shaping Sustainable Future'
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New products added in the GRIHA product catalogue:
Vitrified and Ceramic Tiles of AGL Ltd.
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A survey to help further advance LEED in India- Through this survey, LEED is requesting you to share your experience and feedback. This will help make the process more user-friendly.
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Next GRIHA Evaluators and Trainers program at Hyderabad: 17th-19th November.
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ADaRSH - Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 1st Floor, A - 260, Defence colony New Delhi, DL 110024 011 4644 4500
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