Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO GRIHA Council |
India’s commitments at COP26 can be summarised as a 5-point agenda that is to reduce emissions by 1 billion tonnes; to reduce emission intensity of the GDP by 45% by 2030; to increase non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigawatts; to ensure renewables as half of its energy source and finally to cut its emissions to net zero by 2070. The commitments strive to bring a balance between meeting environmental and economic goals of our developing nation. Initiatives by India such as the One Sun; One World; One Sun Grid are examples of international collaboration to combat climate change and with it, we have set the pace for achieving sustainability and resilience in developing countries.
To aid the country in assessing and mitigating its carbon footprint, GRIHA Council is pleased to introduce SVAGRIHA v3, a simple; versatile and affordable rating variant, which now embodies the facets of design guidance and rating as well as impact analysis. It will enable project teams to quantify their reduction in carbon dioxide emissions made as a result of complying with the rating.
December is a significant month in the sector of sustainability in India with 14th December being marked as the National Energy Conservation Day. It also sees the hosting of “The GRIHA Summit”, the flagship event of GRIHA Council. However, given that the pandemic is still lurking around, a truncated version is being hosted called “The GRIHA Event 2021”, with the theme – “Restoring Green Economy”. The event will see the launch of SVA GRIHA v3 and 8th edition of the Shashwat magazine; it will also award the GRIHA 4 and 5 star ratings and recognize Exemplary Performers. The Event would be followed by our first in-person 3-day training on v.2019 from 15th-17th December, 2021 in New Delhi. We look forward to your active participation in this enriching programme.
As the year draws to a close, I thank my team at GRIHA Council for their concerted efforts to ensure that we address the ever-evolving scenarios of climate change and remain aligned to our goal of a sustainable world.
My wishes to you and your families for a safe; happy holiday season and the very best for 2022.
The GRIHA Event 2021, 10th December 2021 |
Empanelment of GRIHA Consulting Firms |
GRIHA Certified Professional Examination on V. 2019 in the upcoming months |
Month |
Date |
December |
17.12.2021 |
January |
21.01.2022 |
February |
18.02.2022 |
3-Day GRIHA Version 2019 Training Programme at New Delhi |
SVAGRIHA Three Star Rating awarded to Office cum Storage Building of the Directorate of Census Operations (DCO), Assam |
GRIHA LD Five Star Rating (V 2015) awarded to Nalanda University Campus, Bihar |
New products have been enlisted in the GRIHA product catalogue |
Meet the farmer from Madhya Pradesh whose life mission is to plant saplings
The road leading to his village from the highway is flanked by neem and bargad (banyan) trees—a testimony to his almost fanatical pursuit of the cause. There are trees alongside canals in Basond, on government land, in police station compounds, dispensaries, schools and temple premises—all planted by Jairam as saplings. He has done plantation drives in the neighbouring states of Rajasthan and even the farther off Uttarakhand.
Jairam’s work is also self-funded. A small farmer with 11 bighas of land and a family of four to support, he has to be careful about how much he spends on his passion. He has his own nursery where he prepares saplings from seeds and he engages local kids to help him in his cause. “During the season when neem trees bear fruit, I ask village kids to collect them and give them to me. In exchange, I give them biscuits,” he says with a smile.
He started his planting journey alone, carrying buckets of water on his bicycle and travelling great distances to tend to the plants, but now he has a community of people who volunteer to take care of the plants. About 20 years ago, the state forest department stepped in and gave him a bicycle along with seeds to prepare saplings with and also some saplings. “Neem is the ideal tree to plant in these areas, given the shortage of water and slightly rocky soil,” says Jairam. Though educated only up to class 4, Jairam is an authority on the tree species found in the area and how to take care of them.
Bangaluru Resident Saves Rs 50,000 / Month with Unique Rainwater Harvesting Plan
When the borewells near Metropolis Gurukrupa apartment complex of Begur, Bengaluru, went dry in 2018, all the residents made up their mind to purchase tank water, except Ganesh.
With the help of some similar-minded residents, Ganesh Shanbag, a software engineer, developed a rainwater-harvesting (RWH) system for their apartment complex, which saved about Rs 50,000 in water bills, every month.
Ganesh and other residents chipped in to procure necessary raw materials that cost Rs 20,000 from an e-commerce website, and the RWH system was installed by the plumber.
“By investing in the RWH system, we not only save money but the natural resources for future generations too,” he says.
He visited several houses that already use this system in order to study about it. Later, he came up with the most effective and economical setup for the apartment.
The system proved successful after the rains in 2019 and still works effectively.
Emission Reductions From Pandemic Had Unexpected Effects on Atmosphere The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting limitations on travel and other economic sectors by countries around the globe drastically decreased air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions within just a few weeks. That sudden change gave scientists an unprecedented view of results that would take regulations years to achieve.
A comprehensive new survey of the effects of the pandemic on the atmosphere, using satellite data from NASA and other international space agencies, reveals some unexpected findings. The study also offers insights into addressing the dual threats of climate warming and air pollution. “We’re past the point where we can think of these as two separate problems,” said Joshua Laughner, lead author of the new study and a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech in Pasadena, California. “To understand what is driving changes to the atmosphere, we must consider how air quality and climate influence each other.”
Published Nov. 9 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the paper grew from a workshop sponsored by Caltech’s W.M. Keck Institute for Space Studies, led by scientists at that institution and at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which is managed by Caltech. Participants from about 20 U.S. and international universities, federal and state agencies, and laboratories pinpointed four atmospheric components for in-depth study: the two most important greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane; and two air pollutants, nitrogen oxides and microscopic nitrate particles.
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2021 GRIHA
GRIHA Council, Core1B, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Tel: - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08 |
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