Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO GRIHA Council |
GRIHA Council was pleased to participate in the ‘11th session of the World Urban Forum (WUF)’ in Katowice, Poland from 26th – 30th June, 2022. The WUF, a global conference convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), focussed this year’s discussions on the umbrella theme: ‘Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future’.
In line with the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070, GRIHA Council launched the “Decarbonizing Habitat Programme (DHP)” at the WUF platform. With this programme, we have initiated a drive towards a zero carbon mission by facilitating organizations to assess their carbon footprint and adopt cost effective strategies to reduce the same. The launch evoked great interest from the attendees. It was especially welcomed by ‘2000-Watt Smart Cities Association’, a Swiss certifying organization working along similar lines who expressed their interest in collaborating for the decarbonizing of India’s built environment. At a bilateral meeting, formalising this partnership was discussed and we look forward to a profound association with ‘2000-Watt SCA’. Additionally, GRIHA Council was invited to visit the ‘Cracow University of Technology’. The Opportunities to diversify international engagements through collaborations on activities and other platforms were discussed.
Consequent to the Decarbonizing Habitat Programme, the theme of the upcoming GRIHA Summit 2022 is ‘Towards Net Positive Habitats’, in pursuit of a net positive habitat that prioritizes the environment and the society by economically giving back more than what’s been taken. With experts from across the spectrum of the construction industry participating, we aim to deliberate on reducing carbon emissions, increasing carbon sequestration and taking the net positive habitat movement to general masses. We also intend to garner support from international like-minded organizations and foster partnerships to meet our goal of a carbon positive planet.
I am also pleased to share that GRIHA continues to expand its impact across the globe and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 21st June 2022 with ‘Sheffield Hallam University (SHU)’, United Kingdom for co-operation, discussions and joint activities between GRIHA Council and SHU’s Lab4Living to promote sustainability in the built environment.
"Shashwat - Let Nature Be", the annual magazine of GRIHA Council is now accepting articles, interviews and testimonials from experts with diverse backgrounds who have significantly contributed in new areas of research in the domain of sustainability. I invite you to contribute for the upcoming edition of the magazine, with the theme- “Towards Net Positive Habitats”.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GRIHA Council and Bhopal Smart City Development Corporation Limited |
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between GRIHA Council and Bhopal Smart City Development Corporation Limited.
Through this MoU both the organizations will work together in achieving GRIHA ratings for upcoming developments in the city of Bhopal, facilitate the inclusion of green building incentives and focus on promoting awareness for inclusive and sustainable green building concept especially at city level.
The Eleventh Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) |
GRIHA Council participated in the eleventh session of the 'World Urban Forum' #wuf11 contributed to deliberations on sustainability and decarbonization of habitats. In commitment to the vision of our Honourable Prime Minister, GRIHA Council has initiated a drive towards a zero-carbon mission `Decarbonizing Habitat Program' and the same was launched at the WUF this June. This program will enable organizations to estimate their current carbon footprint and adopt cost effective strategies that will help reduce the footprint in the future. The Decarbonizing Habitat Program aims at calculating the net GHG emissions by breaking the system into smaller systems, hence resolving the issue of climate change at the local level. It also intends to highlight the importance of carbon sequestration, a significant parameter towards reducing atmospheric carbon.
As a prelude to the 14th GRIHA Summit scheduled on December 15th - 16th, 2022 at India Habitat Center, New Delhi on the theme ‘Towards Net Positive Habitats’; Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO GRIHA Council and Ms. Shabnam Bassi, Deputy CEO, GRIHA Council conducted a session at WUF which discussed strategies for carbon reduction and offsetting, methods for carbon sequestration and taking definitive strides to ensure a net positive habitat. This session garnered much interest especially from the 2000-Watt Smart Cities Association with whom GRIHA is discussing opportunities for collaboration to ensure carbon neutrality.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GRIHA Council and Sheffield Hallam University (Lab4Living) |
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between GRIHA Council and Sheffield Hallam University (Lab4Living).
The intent behind this MoU is that both the organizations will work together on outreach and joint funding applications that enable research and development pertaining to environment, sustainable products and services.
Decarbonizing Habitat Programme |
In commitment to the vision of our Honourable Prime minister, GRIHA Council has initiated a drive towards a zero-carbon mission "Decarbonizing Habitat Program". This program would enable an organization/ company/ industry to estimate its current carbon footprint and adopt cost effective strategies that will help in reducing the footprint in the future.
The carbon assessment would be conducted for the following parameters.
• Water (sources and offset)
• Energy (sources and offset)
• Waste (sources and offset)
• Transportation (Commuting and logistic practices)
• Social (Cosmetics, stationary, green policy, housekeeping, tobacco control, furnishing, fertiliser, biodiversity).
• Lifestyle (Clothing, food & beverages, Health, Cutlery)
Evaluation would be based on the carbon emissions of the project and the measures adopted for carbon sequestration. The modes of sequestration considered for the purpose of evaluation are:
• Tree plantation
• Forest cover area
• Farmlands
Certification Scale
The project would be evaluated on a scale of 0 to 2.
• Towards Carbon neutral – Project between the 0.3 to 0.94 band would be certified as ‘Towards Carbon Neutral’. This would be the case where the total carbon emissions are more than carbon sink created.
• Carbon Neutral – Project between at the scale of 0.95-1 would be certified as ‘Carbon Neutral’. This would be the case where the total carbon emissions are equal to the carbon sink
• Carbon Negative – Project between at the scale of 1.01 to 2 would be certified as ‘Carbon Negative’. This would be the case where the total carbon emissions are less than the carbon sink created.
Inviting Articles and Start-up Stories for the 9th Edition of Shashwat, the Annual GRIHA Magazine 2022 |
The Annual Magazine of GRIHA Council "Shashwat - Let Nature Be”, is released every year. It also has an ISSN number for its online version- ISSN - 2581-9291. Its previous issues had themes such as, ‘Sustainable is Affordable’, ‘Fostering Partnerships for Sustainable Habitats’, ‘Approach to Integrated Sustainability’, ‘Rejuvenating Resilient Habitats’ and ‘Restoring Green Economy’. It encompasses articles, interviews, testimonials and blogs from experts with diverse backgrounds who have significantly contributed to new areas of research in the domain of Sustainability.
This year, GRIHA Council extends an invitation to you for contributing an article or start-up stories in the 9th edition of the magazine, with the theme – ‘'Towards Net Positive Habitats’. Net positive habitat is a concept that aims to prioritize the society and nurture the environment by giving back more than what has been taken without compromising on the financial aspects. The technological advancements and innovative solutions emerging in the industries such as plumbing, electric power, HVAC, waste management and construction materials provide great opportunities to the building industry towards reducing the energy and GHG emissions.
Click here for further details –:
One Day Student Training Programme at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore |
One day student's training programme on GRIHA V 2015 was conducted by GRIHA Council, as part of 64th Annual NASA convention at CHRIST (Deemed to be university), Bangalore on June 3, 2022. The training programme was initiated with a brief introduction of GRIHA, followed by a detailed presentation on various aspects of rating such as site planning, water and energy efficiency, sustainable building materials, socio-economic strategies, solid waste management and so on to enable students understand the rating system. Subsequently, the presentation was followed by a hands-on exercise on Indoor Comfort, Construction Management and Q&A session to understand their conceptual clarity on the subject. The students were also made to play a board game called "Power Wars".
The programme was attended by 65 students from various architectural colleges across India. Students found the training programme very knowledgeable and useful to add value to their design in future.
Click here for further details :
Training Programme on Water Management in collaboration with Planning Insights |
Planning Insights, in collaboration with GRIHA Council is organizing a 2 day course on Water Management on 22nd and 23rd July, 2022.
Planning Insights is a platform where different perspectives, approaches, interventions and ideas across Town and Country Planning, Architecture, Remote Sensing and Construction industry would be shared with authentic and reliable insights. The aim is to be a one-point source for interested citizens, aspiring students, dedicated academicians and industrious professionals in providing relevant information about latest policies, schemes, development projects and its field applicability in the domain of Planning, Architecture and Remote Sensing anywhere on the globe.
The course will focus on generic water management practices, details with respect to water management in accordance to GRIHA V.2019, water positivity, GRIHA’s Water Positive Certification; along with some related exercises and discussions.
A certificate, co-signed by GRIHA Council and Planning Insights will be awarded to all the participants.
Click here for further details –:
Complimentary Handholding Training Programme on GRIHA V. 2019 |
A complimentary 8-Day training programme is being conducted by GRIHA Council on GRIHA Version 2019. The training has been designed to provide handholding guidance to the professionals in the green building industry to get acquainted the GRIHA V.2019. It spans for 8 weeks, wherein sessions are scheduled for an hour every Friday, which started on 10th June 2022. 3 sessions on the following sections – Sustainable Site Planning, Construction Management and Sustainable Building Materials - have already been conducted and 5 more sessions covering the other sections of the rating remain, the last session being scheduled on 29th July, 2022.
All interested participants could register and attend the whole training programme or selected sessions as per interest. The objective was to impart knowledge to the participants so that there is a clear understanding on the requisites against each appraisal of each criterion, for all sections. Queries raised by participants were answered at the end of the sessions and all queries will be later compiled and uploaded in GRIHA’s help center. We hope that this endeavor by GRIHA will help all professionals’ smoothly transition to the new version and help prevent multiple rounds of submissions for a project, which will eventually help in reducing the overall timeline to achieve a rating. The sessions so far were attended by approximately 700 participants, across 3 days.
Click here for further details –:
Training Programme for Architects on GRIHA for Existing Buildings (GRIHA EB) |
Indian Institute of Architects, Northern Chapter (IIANC), in collaboration with GRIHA Council is conducting a one day training programme, exclusively for architects, on GRIHA for Existing Buildings rating, on 30th July 2022 (Saturday).
GRIHA for Existing buildings (EB) rating is an integrated tool to assess the performance of existing buildings and provide sustainable solutions whilst augmenting the indoor comfort of the occupants.
The training on GRIHA EB will focus on site parameters, maintenance, housekeeping, energy, water, occupant health & comfort and social aspects with respect to existing buildings, followed by a hands on demonstration of the GRIHA EB tool.
A certificate, co-signed by GRIHA Council and IIANC will be awarded to all the participants.
Click here for further details –:
GRIHA 4 Star Provisional Rating Awarded to IOLPL LNG Terminal Administrative Office, Ennore |
New Products have been enlisted in the GRIHA Product Catalogue |
GRIHA Certified Professional Examination on V.2019 in the upcoming months |
Month |
Date |
July |
15.07.2022 |
August |
26.08.2022 |
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2022 GRIHA
GRIHA Council, Core1B, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Tel: - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08 |
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