Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO GRIHA Council |
This monsoon season the country has evidenced the intensifying climate change through disrupted rain patterns, droughts, and floods. The occurrence of more catastrophic events is imminent and susceptible regions display high sensitivity and vulnerability to a changing climate. I am pleased to share that GRIHA Council is working closely with the Government of Ladakh towards achieving energy efficiency and carbon neutrality in Ladakh. While our current rating GRIHA v.2019 includes strategies and benchmarks for cold climates in the subcontinent, GRIHA recognizes that Ladakh is unique in climate and context, and requires a precise rating system designed around a passive solar strategy for heating. By administering such a rating in Ladakh along with training the different stakeholders of their building industry, we hope to help realize the vision of a ‘Carbon Neutral Ladakh’.
Utilizing the many tools at the disposal of public policymakers, building developers, and financial institutions to transform the environment and development alike while setting India on the path toward a zero carbon future is an exigency. Such a tool – the EC Act – was recently amended and the energy conservation code for buildings is now updated to an energy conservation and sustainable building code. The amendment not only changed the applicability of the code to include residential buildings, it has also awarded regulatory powers to State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC) to ensure implementation.
Awareness and action go hand in hand to ensure that building green is a mainstream practice in the country. GRIHA Council’s flagship event- –“The 14th GRIHA SUMMIT”- on December 15th - 16th, 2022 with the theme ‘Towards Net Positive Habitats’ is centered around taking action to achieve the COP 26 commitments of India. Preceding the event, GRIHA Council is hosting an exhibition at the India Habitat Centre for creating awareness about technological advancements in construction that can alleviate a development’s carbon footprint and are indispensable when evolving into net positive habitats. Inspired by the Light House Projects, an affordable housing initiative by MoHUA; the exhibition will also include a display of sustainable, alternate and innovative high-speed wall technologies that are being used for their construction.
I invite you to visit the exhibition and interact with experts of these technologies at the India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi from 1st December 2022 to 16th December 2022.
Training Programme on Water Management in collaboration with Planning Insights |
GRIHA Council, in collaboration with Planning Insights has conducted an online 2-day certificate course on Water Management on 26th & 27th August, 2022. Planning Insights is a platform where different perspectives, approaches, interventions and ideas across Town and Country Planning, Architecture, Remote Sensing and Construction industry are shared with authentic and reliable insights.
With the current scenario where water scarcity is exponentially increasing, it becomes vital to manage water resources sustainably with the objective to optimize water usage, replenish ground water sources and avoid contamination of natural water sources. The water movement needs to gain momentum and that's possible only through collaborations between various industry stakeholders and research organizations in bringing out smart water solutions to mitigate water scarcity issues at grass root level. There is a need for development of innovative solutions to manage and monitor natural resources on Earth.
Keeping these issues in hindsight, the course was conducted, which focused on water management practices in terms of managing and optimizing the building and landscape water demand, details with respect to rainwater harvesting and recharging in accordance to GRIHA V.2019. GRIHA’s latest certification launch of Water Positive Certification, focused on the concepts of water positivity and the process involved in GRIHA’s certification was discussed. Related exercises, calculations and discussions were also carried out around the concepts. The Water Positive certification elaborates on the water
A certificate, co-signed by GRIHA Council and Planning Insights was awarded to all the participants. The sessions were attended by over 25 participants.
Click here for further details –
Upcoming Training Programme:
Training Programme on Electric Motors and Transformers Assessment Tool in collaboration with International Copper Association India
GRIHA Council in collaboration with International Copper Association India intends to organize a one day training programme on a tool for assessment of Electric Motors & Transformers at India Habitat Centre, on 14th October 2022. The session will include demonstration of the tool with practice exercise. In addition to this, participants shall be sensitized with ECBC requirements for transformers and motors, and compliance requirements with respect to GRIHA standards. It is a free of cost training programme which aims at up-skilling the architects, green building consultants, MEP consultants, representatives from manufacturing companies, industry experts and other associated professionals. Limited seats. Registrations on a first come first serve basis.
Click here for further details –
Inviting Exhibitors for Exhibitor Partners’ for the GRIHA Summit 2022
The GRIHA Council is organizing exhibition at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi in the month of December. The aim is to showcase environmentally sustainable products and technologies to various stakeholders.
This year the exhibition shall take into consideration the government’s initiative of the "Housing for All", Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Light House Projects, and other schemes. The Exhibition would include a display of range of environmentally sustainable innovative construction technologies that have been identified by MoHUA for the construction of affordable housing projects that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and disaster-resilient. The main intent behind this exhibition is to create awareness about upcoming technologies among various stakeholders, and provide them a means to understand these innovative modern technologies in a better way.
In the past, GRIHA Council conducted many innovative exhibitions: to cite a few examples - Venu Kutir (Bamboo Cottage) at the GRIHA Summit 2019 (11th GRIHA Summit), a 240-sqft cottage that integrated with energy-efficient water and lighting fixtures, renewable energy systems and efficient equipment; helping viewers to get a glimpse of sustainable housing. In 8th GRIHA Summit (2017), SPARSH Griha4All, a green building replica, integrated with energy-efficient green technologies to bring an economically viable, structurally sound and efficient green building option. PRAROOP- GRIHA Green Mart at the GRIHA Summit 2017 (9th GRIHA Summit) a model or manifestation, set up to showcase that “Sustainable is affordable”; displaying effects of different building energy efficient components which allowing the visitors to observe the overall building performance based on their choices of technologies on G+1 structure.
 1: Venu Kutir (Bamboo Cottage) |
 2: SPARSH Griha4All |
 3: PRAROOP- GRIHA Green Mart |
2-day Training Programme on GRIHA Variants, University Institute of Architecture, Chandigarh |
University Institute of Architecture is registered as a Silver category GRIHA CATALYST member. Under the ambit of this membership, a 2-day training programme on 3 GRIHA Variants were conducted on 25th & 26th August, 2022 at the UIA Campus in Chandigarh.
The programme was designed to facilitate the students to introduce them to green buildings and GRIHA to develop an understanding and create awareness on general concepts and processes under 3 GRIHA variants. The session commenced with a presentation on the major environmental challenges faced due to today’s building sector and the need to create green buildings. This was followed by an overview of GRIHA rating system and its variants. During this 2-day training, the GRIHA certification Decarbonizing Habitat Program and the GRIHA rating variants SVA GRIHA (Simple Versatile Affordable GRIHA) and GRIHA EB (GRIHA for Existing Buildings) were presented and discussed in detail.
Concepts of carbon emission reductions were discussed under the Decarbonizing Habitat Programme. SVA GRIHA session focused on a brief introduction of the rating, along with detailed presentation on various aspects such as landscape, architecture, energy, waste, water, materials. The training programme on GRIHA EB focused on site parameters, maintenance, housekeeping, energy, water, occupant health & comfort and social aspects with respect to existing buildings. Each criterion of the two rating variants were explained. Dedicated sessions on hands-on exercises and calculations on the associated concepts were also carried out.
The programme received an overwhelming response and was attended by approximately 60 students. Certificates jointly signed by GRIHA Council and the Institute were awarded to the participants.
Click here for further details –
New Products have been enlisted in the GRIHA Product Catalogue |
GRIHA Certified Professional Examination on V.2019 in the upcoming months |
Month |
Date |
September |
16.09.2022 |
October |
21.10.2022 |
IIT-Bombay Duo Builds ‘RO Hand Pump’ That Purifies Water Without Electricity
IIT Bombay students Arpit Upadhyay and Mohit Jajoriya have devised an RO hand pump that needs no electricity to generate clean drinking water, aiming to provide equitable access to rural India.
IIT-Bombay students Arpit Upadhyay and Mohit Jajoriya needed an out of the box idea for the upcoming Invention Factory programme in May this year.
The competition, they say, required students to come up with a product or tangible idea that can meet a significant need of society. When discussing what this could be, the two students, who had bonded during the lockdown period of COVID-19, found that they shared a deep and common interest in one particular issue — water security.
Mohit, who hails from Rajasthan, is pursuing his Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at the university. He says that back home, water quality is a worrying factor. “There is a high rate of desertification, and in most districts, the value of total dissolved solids (TDS) goes up to 2,000, when it should technically be no more than 500,”.
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2022 GRIHA
GRIHA Council, Core1B, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Tel: - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08 |
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