The 10th GRIHA Summit – "Fostering partnerships for sustainable habitat"
Day 1: December 11, 2018 | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
9:00 - 09:30 Registrations 09:30-10:30 Welcome Address:
- Dr. Ajay Mathur, President, GRIHA Council and Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute
Special Address:
- Prof. Ian Jacobs, President and Vice Chancellor, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
- Dr Winfried Damm , Head of Indo-German Energy programme, (GIZ) GmbH
Rating awards ceremony - Click here to see the GRIHA rated project list
Vote of Thanks: Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council10:30 - 11:45 Plenary Session 1: Fostering Partnerships for Sustainable Habitat at Stein Auditorium
In the last decades 'development' gradually came to be seen as a holistic notion, encompassing economic, social, cultural, political and environmental dimensions. As we move closer to 2030, the stress is on collaborating and working together towards knowledge exchange, sharing of ideas and solutions, and, strengthening research at a global level.
The global community finds itself at a critical juncture today. We all recognize that succeeding in the attempts to mitigate climate change, control GHG emissions and combat various environmental issues is not down to one person. It’s about being resilient, with collaboration being the key ingredient that makes it all possible.
It has been established that the built environment can contribute to a more equal, inclusive and cohesive society if the places where we live, the facilities we use and our neighborhoods and meeting places are accessible, inclusive, resource efficient and user-centric.
Education and awareness have come to the forefront as the world realizes that education must be reoriented to a vision of sustainability, one that links economic well-being with cultural traditions and respect for Earth and its resources.
This session shall focus on the possibilities of creating such links and a deeper, more ambitious way of thinking about sustainability while retaining a commitment to critical analysis while fostering creativity and innovation.
Thematic speaker:
Mr. Laurie Pearcey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), University of New South Wales
Mr. Atul Bagai, Country Head of UN Environment in India
- Mr. Aditya Bhutani, Director and COO - AIS-GLASXPERTS
- Professor Dr. N.K.Bansal, Sintex Chair Professor, CEPT University Ahmedabad
- Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council
Q & A session11:45 - 12:00 Tea/ Coffee Break Parallel Sessions 12:00 - 13:30 Release of the 'MaS-SHIP - Mainstreaming Sustainable Social Housing in India Project' Report
Thematic track 1 - Sustainable materials and technologies at Jacaranda
The past two centuries have seen unprecedented growth in human population and economic well-being. This growth has been fed by equally unparalleled material resource consumption and its associated negative environmental impacts. Making sure that material resources are managed sustainably and used efficiently through their life-cycle is vital to economic growth, environmental quality, and sustainable development. It would also help to reduce the detrimental effect associated with the production, consumption and end-of-life management of material resources. A shift from “end-of-life” thinking towards a more integrated life-cycle approach is therefore needed.
Construction and demolition (C&D) waste generation and handling issues have especially been in focus to achieve sustainable goals. Owing to rapid economic growth leading to urbanization and industrialization growth in Indian construction industries, it is appropriate to link generation of C&D waste with the growth. Additionally, the embodied energy of the resources which go into construction is a relevant concern at the forefront.
This session aims to provide a platform to discuss the strategies and technologies to manage the C&D waste, innovative building materials to lighten the burden on landfills and ecosystems
- Dr. Shailesh Kr. Agrawal, Executive Director, BMTPC
- Dr. Deepika Mathur, Research Fellow, Northern Institute, College of Indigenous Futures, Arts & Society
- Mr. S Vikash Ranjan, Programme Manager – EEB, IGEN- GIZ
- Mr. Pradeep Sachdeva, Pradeep Sachdeva Design Associates
- Ms. Megha Behal, Research Associate, Sustainable Buildings, TERI
Q & A session12:00 - 13:30 Thematic track 2 – Policy framework for sustainability at Juniper
Policies are the foundation of the framework on which guidelines, decision, course depends. Specifically aimed guidelines at securing sustained economic growth, a healthy environment or an inclusive social development are important in their own right for sustainable development. Unsustainable practices may result from incoherent strategies in different domains. Furthermore, policy framework at the global level, country level, and the regional level are symbiotically connected. Regional policies, in particular, are occasionally introduced without due regard for the externalities being targeted by environmental policies, leading to inconsistencies and spill-over effects. Improving coherence requires better integration of economic, environmental, and social goals in different policies. The focus must be on creating a long-term solution framework to this effect. India is a complex, stunningly diverse country replete with seeming contradictions. It has a strong education ethic, yet also massive poverty and illiteracy. It is the world ‘s largest democracy, yet weak implementation of laws and corruption are widespread. Strong, robust policies can trigger a positive effect and chart a course for holistic, sustainable development.
This session will have discourses on policies at various levels, their relevance, adequacies, and inadequacies. Experts will deliberate on issues and their impact on sustainable development.
- Mr. Swayan Chaudhuri, Managing Director & CEO at Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Ltd.
- Dr. Sarath Mataraachchi, Lecturer, Built Environment, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Vijay Garg , President, Council of Architecture
- Mr. Kushagra Juneja, Cofounder, Design2Occupancy Services LLP12:00 - 13:30 Thematic track 3 - Air Pollution - A call for urgent action at Tamarind
Pollution of the air is an important threat to human development. SDG 3.9 seeks to “substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water, and soil pollution and contamination” by 2030. As per Global Burden of Disease (GBD) report released in 2017, air pollution in India is known to cause 1.1 million deaths, out of a total 4.2 million deaths worldwide. The sources of air pollution are quite scattered such as ambient particulate matter pollution, emitted by vehicle exhaust, factory and power plant smokestacks, and crop and garbage burning. The ambient air quality also influences the indoor air quality, where we spend majority of our time, which makes it even more critical.
Reducing the various pollution sources will require a multi-faceted approach including technologies that are cleaner throughout their life-cycle, including raw material sourcing, manufacturing, and post-use disposal; forward-thinking policies, and more informed consumption patterns based on an awareness of the benefits and risks of decisions and actions. This panel brings together stakeholders from various organizations who are working to reduce ambient air pollution, and indoor air quality, who will discuss and highlight the possible solutions to reduce ambient air pollution from green buildings.
- Dr Sumit Sharma , Director, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI
- Mr R Suresh , Area Convenor, Centre for Environmental Studies, TERI
- Dr. Sunil Gulia, Scientist Fellow, CSIR-NEERI Zonal Laboratory Delhi
- Ms. Prarthana Borah, India Director Clean Air Asia
- Dr. Sunita Purushottam, Head – Sustainability, Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd (MLDL)
Q & A session12:00 - 13:30 Thematic track 4 – Inclusive Development at Amaltas
Inclusiveness is a quality which accommodates differences and values diversity; be it in the built environment, urban fabric, governing policies to name a few. It is an approach to design; that it focuses on how design can address themes like diversity, equality, and social inclusion; that it strives towards the greatest possible application; and that the resulting design can be used by all people. Inclusive development ensures that all marginalized and excluded groups are stakeholders in development processes and are not excluded from development because of their gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability or poverty. The effects of such exclusion are raising levels of inequality around the world. The goal of inclusive development is to achieve an inclusive society, able to accommodate differences and to value diversity.
Inclusiveness in all aspects of sustainability i.e. social, environment and economy are reflected in the equitable access to resources, affordable housing; accessible built environment and open spaces; access to clean air, open areas, green spaces, basic necessities. Social inclusiveness has its roots in human rights, inequality, redistribution, rural development, entitlements and capabilities concepts. In scalar terms, ecological inclusiveness at the local level focuses on protecting local access to and ownership of resources as well as protecting local ecosystems. At the national level, it requires that resources are well managed and the sustainability of ecosystem services is ensured. The SDGs also mention "inclusiveness" with respect to 'inclusive societies', 'inclusive and sustainable economic growth', and 'inclusive growth'.
This session shall explore the inclusiveness in various aspects of design, construction, planning in the urban fabric with focus on the challenges and solutions.
- Dr. Renu Khosla, Director, Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence
- Prof. Arup Mitra, Professor, Institute of Economic Growth
- Ms. Shelley Poticha, Managing Director, Healthy People & Thriving Communities Program, NRDC
- Ms. Swati Janu, Creative Director, mHS CITY LAB
- Mr Christopher Samuel, Centre for Indian Bamboo Resource & Technology (CIBART)
- Prof Sarnam Singh, Dean, Nalanda University
Q & A session13:30 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:15 Keynote Address 1 at Stein Auditorium
Professor Helen Lochhead, Dean, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney.
An Australian architect, and urbanist, Professor Lochhead’s career has combined professional practice and teaching both in Australia and the United States, as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Sydney and also as visiting academic at Harvard, MIT and Columbia Universities. Prior to her appointment as Dean she held a number of influential positions in the NSW Government and the City of Sydney including Executive Director roles at Sydney Olympic Park Authority and Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, & deputy NSW Government Architect.
Chair: - Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council15:15 - 15:30 Felicitation of partners
- Srijan Mathur
- Lomas Dhungel
- Arisha
- Jitendra Shinde
- Vihaan & Nav Agarwal
15:30 - 15:45 Tea/ Coffee Break Parallel Sessions 15:45 – 17:30 Thematic track 5 - Integrated mobility at Juniper
Mobility and accessibility are key to solutions for a climate-resilient and sustainable future. One of the greatest environmental challenges we face today lies in mobility. People need a seemingly infinite network of vehicles and transportation systems to uphold societies and economies. An important metric for economic growth of any country is its burgeoning vehicle ownership. However, the indirect effect of vehicle ownership is acute traffic congestion, increased GHG emissions. We are at an environmental impasse, prompted by the CO2 emissions that are changing the climate and accelerating natural catastrophes. Road transport, being the most dominating mode of transport, has established pressure on the infrastructure especially on transport management practices in urban India. Integrated transportation systems offer a wide range of application that process and share information to ease congestion, improve traffic management, minimize environmental impact and increase the benefits of transportation to commercial users and the public in general. Sustainable urban mobility requires a mind shift: where transport in private cars and trucking give way to different modes of public transport. Like bicycle and pedestrian lanes, electric vehicles, car sharing, and rail freight. More and more cities around the world are rising to the challenge and strive to provide equitable, efficient, safe and green mobility for all. This session aims to explore the integrated transport system and sustainable urban mobility as a solution to current traffic management practices and reduce GHG emissions.
Thematic speaker:
- AProf Vinayak Dixit, Head of the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (RCITI), University of New South Wales
- Ms. Leena Nandan, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
- Dr. Simone Zarpelon Leao, Senior Lecturer, City Analytics, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Sohinder Gill, Director General, Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles
- Ar. Akshima Ghate, Principal, Rocky Mountain Institute
- Dr Indradip Mitra, Senior Technical Advisor, GIZ
Q & A session15:45 – 17:30 Thematic track 6 – Unwinding circular economy at Tamarind
India stands at the threshold of profound choices about the path to future development, and choices made today will determine India’s mid- to long-term progress. The country’s economic growth trend, which averaged 7.4% a year in the last decade, will lead it to become the fourth largest economy in the world in about two decades. This positive prospect does not, however, come without challenges as the nation still faces significant questions about rapid urbanization, resource scarcity, and high levels of poverty.
Systemic approaches to urban planning integrated with the application of circular economy principles to food and mobility systems can create more resilient cities which could manage such challenges as and when they arise. Innovative solutions for wastewater and solid waste management can close loops to make the underlying resource streams more effective, keeping nutrients and materials flowing through the system.
The country has the opportunity to leapfrog other economies and establish a leadership position. Traditionally, the Indian economy has been one where reusing, re-purposing and recycling have been second nature. In a world that is increasingly running out of natural resources, this thinking is an asset that must be leveraged by businesses, policymakers, and citizens in an organized manner and expanded to include other elements to make the economy truly circular. The circular economy model focuses to redefine products & services to eliminate waste and inefficiency and mitigate negative environmental externalities by reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling in an (almost) closed loop. Moreover, the mainstream concept is to drive growth, innovation, and competitive opportunities to stimulate economic growth and development for businesses and households in India.
This session highlights the potential to innovative business models by accelerating cost savings, a new advance in design and practical solutions by adopting circular economy aspiration to a profitable action for a stronger competitive economy with a focus on re-thinking progress.
Thematic speaker:
- Ms. Almitra Patel, Member, Supreme Court Committee for Solid Waste Management
- Mr. Amit Dasgupta, India Country Director, UNSW
- Dr. Miles Park, Industrial Design, Design Research Collaboration, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Siddharth Hande, CEO, Kabadiwalla Connect
- Mr. Sumit Kumar Agarwal, CEO, Tanjun WonderBamboo
Q & A session15:45 – 17:30 Thematic track 7 – Transitioning to clean energy at Jacaranda
There is no development without fueling the engine of growth. Energy is critical and people with no sustainable access to energy are deprived of the opportunity to become part of national and global progress. Sustainable energy generates opportunity – it transforms lives, economies and the planet. There are tangible health benefits to access to electricity and a demonstrable improvement in wellbeing. Energy access, therefore, constitutes a core component of the sustainable development agenda for energy.
Sustainable energy generates opportunity – it transforms lives, economies and the planet. The shift to renewable power generation is underway in India and continues to expand due to the fact of climate change and its devastating effects on the country. The states, local governments, and corporation across the country are intensifying their commitments to increasing use of renewable energy with an ambitious target of meeting 175GW by 2020. Goal 7 of the SDGs aims to increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.
Integration of onsite renewable energy system in the building to generate power is a proven solution to reduce energy demand through electricity grid also reduces GHG emission.
This session brings together industry experts to exchange knowledge and showcase resilience and reliability of renewable energy (photovoltaic) technology that will ultimately help transform India's power generation system into one that is low carbon.
Thematic speaker:
- AProf Alistair Sproul, Head, School of the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales
- Dr Ashvini Kumar, Senior Director, Renewable Energy Technologies, TERI
- Mr. Rajneesh Rana, General Manager (BD & Contracts), EESL
- Mr. Neeraj Kuldeep, Programme Associate, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
Q & A session -
The 10th GRIHA Summit – "Fostering partnerships for sustainable habitat"
Day 2: December 12, 2018 | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Parallel Sessions 10:00 – 11:30 Thematic track 9 - Climate change: The tipping point at Jacaranda
Planetary warming and climate change are manifesting in the rainfall patterns, increasing occurrences of disasters, rapid retreat of glaciers, increasing the severity of droughts and floods, drying rivers etc. The links between climate change and sustainable development are strong. Poor and developing countries, particularly least developed countries, will be among those most adversely affected and least able to cope with the anticipated shocks to their social, economic and natural systems.
The costs of strong and urgent action to avoid serious impacts from climate change are substantially less than the damages thereby avoided. Further, even with strong action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions adaptation must be a crucial part of the development strategy. The policy at national as well as global level, also requires urgent and international action supporting technology development. SDG 13 focuses on strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity, integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies and, planning; capacity building to name a few.
This session will have deliberations on the current status, initiatives, and challenges faced in the matter with a focus on the Indian scenario.
- Dr. Manish Shrivastava, Department of Energy and Environment
- Mr. Rakesh Kamal A B, Clean Energy Policy and Programs Consultant, The Climate Reality Project India
- Assoc. Prof. Melissa Hart, Graduate Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Khushal Matai, Department of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
- Dr. Komali Yenneti, Research Associate, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales
- Ms. Raina Singh, Senior Fellow, Urban Resilience, National Institute of Urban Affairs
Q & A session10:00 – 11:25 Thematic track 10 – Sustainable Cooling Alternatives at Juniper
The demand for cooling is booming in India; without any action been taken for efficient cooling technology, it is predicted that cooling could account for 20% of the GHG emission. Cooling in a sustainable manner can impact the Paris Climate Agreement; the UN Sustainable Development Goals; and the Montreal Protocol’s Kigali Amendment under one umbrella.
The need for cooling is universal but cooling means very different things to different groups of people. For city dwellers, it is the air-conditioned offices, the food kept in refrigerators; whereas, for a farmer or a slum dweller, it could be impacting their livelihood or be life-threatening as it extends the life of perishables while trying to move them to market, ensures access to basic vaccines and provide bearable or barely safe work environments. Given that millions of people die every year from lack of cooling access, whether from food losses, damaged vaccines or severe heat impacts, this is a crucial issue.
With growing populations, rapidly changing demographics, continued urbanization, and climate change, the need for cooling shall increase. The increased affluence, changing lifestyles and aspirations will require ever more cooling: air conditioning for comfort; cold chains to support food preference changes and better medical care, and data center cooling for the digital economy This session shall focus on the various cooling technologies suitable for India, alternate methods, best practices and strategies to reduce the GHG emission through efficient cooling, and access to affordable, sustainable cooling solutions for all.
Thematic Speaker:
- Mr. Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Services Limited, Delhi
- Mr. Markus Wypior, Deputy Cluster Coordinator GIZ IGEN
- Dr. Anir Upadhyay, Research Fellow, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Sunil Kher, Managing Director, Sevcon India Private Limited, New Delhi
- Mr. Shadab Ahmed, National Manager, Defence and Government Services. India and South Asia, Armacell
Q & A session11:25 - 11:30 Felicitation of GRIHA patrons
- Mr. Udit Gaurav, Tecton Project Services Pvt. Ltd.
- Ms.Swati Puchalapalli, Terra Viridis Green Building Consultants
- Mr. Sameer Divekar, dbHMS Consultants
- Mr. Anurag Bajpai, GreenTree Global
- Mr. Tarak Jani, Vivart Design Studio
10:00 – 11:25 Thematic track 11 – Smart cities and sustainability at Tamarind
Cities are engines for sustainable development. It is where ideas, commerce, culture, science, and productivity thrive. Urban spaces offer opportunities for people to prosper economically and socially, but this is only possible in prosperous cities that can accommodate people in decent jobs and where land resources are not overwhelmed by growth. The rapid growth of cities in the developing world, coupled with increasing rural to urban migration, has led to a boom in mega-cities. In 1990, there were ten mega-cities with 10 million inhabitants or more. In 2014, there are 28 mega-cities, home to a total of 453 million people.
Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring access to safe and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements. It also involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in a way that is both participatory and inclusive. These challenges to urban spaces can be overcome by improving resource use and focusing on reducing pollution and poverty. The future we want includes cities that offer opportunities for all, and which provide access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.
This session will focus on the urbanization scenario in the country, the impact, and challenges of the smart city mission, and plausible solutions.
Thematic speaker:
- Prof. Christopher Pettit, Inaugural Chair of Urban Science, University of New South Wales
- Prof. Jagan Shah , Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi
- Ms. Ashu Dehadani, Manager (Technical & Publication), GRIHA Council
- Dr. Sarbeswar Praharaj, Coordinator, Australia-India Smart Cities Knowledge Exchange Network
- Ms. Friederike Thonke, GIZ
Q & A session
11:25 - 11:30 Felicitation of GRIHA patrons
- Ashok B Lall
- Bharat Bhushan
- Paritosh Tyagi
- Arun K Tripathi
- Jotirmay Mathur
10:00 – 11:30 Thematic track 12: A Holistic Approach to Energy Efficient Buildings at Amaltas
India has the fastest growing population and the demand for energy continues to rise; to meet this ever-growing energy demand and the significant negative environmental impacts due to heavy reliance on fossil fuels, is a captivating issue persuading the authorities across the country to pursue more sustainable options. Many policy interventions around clean energy have been made but one of the most economically feasible options available is to adopt an energy-efficient lifestyle to achieve the climate change and sustainable development goals. Energy efficiency aligns well with social development and economic growth of the country to ensure a safe, affordable and sustainable energy system for the future.
The building sector in India accounts for 33% of the nation’s energy use and is growing by 8% every year. The revolution of energy efficiency in India was introduced by adopting a comprehensive policy for energy efficiency along with demand-side management programs to attain overall energy savings with a great deal of potential to reduce the GHG emissions. In this session, deliberations will focus on the ways to embrace energy efficiency into the building sector, the challenges faced and the technological solutions.
- Ms. Usha Batra, Additional Director General (Arch), CPWD, Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Government of India
- Dr. G. C. Datta Roy, Advisor, Development Environergy Services Ltd.
- Mr. Saurabh Diddi, Director, Bureau of Energy Efficiency
- Mr. Sourabh Kankar, Marketing Manager India, Gujarat Guardian Limited
- Mr. Sachin Kasar , Saint Gobain PPB
- Mr. Pavel Singh, Saint Gobain
Q & A session11:30 - 12:00 Tea/Coffee Breakat The Hub 12:00 – 13:30 Plenary session 2: Innovations at work at The Stein Auditorium
Innovation & Sustainability are crucial drivers of profitability. Whether it is a product made entirely of post-consumer content that biodegrades at the end of its useful life (innovation motivated by sustainable goals) or a clean-burning fuel additive that improves vehicle performance (sustainability motivated by innovation), the result is the same: novel products and services for the customers, financial gain for the organization and healthier relationships with people and the natural environment. There is no denying that the combination of innovation, sustainability, and profitability is powerful.
The world hangs in balance with challenges, issues at every front. Change in processes, products, production, design is picking up the pace with stress being given to innovative solutions rather than the slow, transformative solutions as the upheaval being caused by climate change, greenhouse emissions, global warming is dynamic and erratic. With the surge in startups working on issues from the macro level to micro level, this session will showcase exemplary initiatives in the field of sustainability and bring their issues, challenges and the success to the forefront.
- Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council
- Ms. Meenakshi Sharma, Founder, Use Me Works
- Mr. Shravan Shankar, Co-Founder, @Works and Co-Founder & Managing Partner, The Binary Workshop, Chennai
- Mr. Anurag Kashyap, Mentor-in-Chief, Gulmehar
- Mr. Anil Gokarn, The Institute of Natural Organic Agriculture (INORA), Pune
- Mr. Vishwas Singh, Vice President, Shuttl
Q & A session13:30 – 14:30 Lunch at The Hub 14:30 – 15:15 Keynote Address 2 The Stein Auditorium
Scientia Professor Deo Prasad AO, Director - CRC Low Carbon Living, University of New South Wales
He is an international authority and recognised as a national leader in the field of sustainable buildings and cities and among the leading advocates for sustainability in Australia, with his contributions having been widely acknowledged at all levels of government and professions in Australia. In 2004 he received the NSW State Government’s individual GreenGlobe Award for ‘leadership and commitment to the supply of renewable energy’ He has also won the Federal Government’s national award for ‘outstanding contribution to energy related research’.
- Mr. Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council
15:15 – 15:30 Felicitation of GRIHA patrons at The Stein Auditorium 15:30 – 15:45 Tea/ Coffee Break at The Hub Parallel Sessions 15:45 – 17:25 Thematic track 13 – User Centric Design: Bane or boon? at Juniper
The design has always been centered on the users, thus imbibing the anthropometrics, changing needs, developing technologies, and requirements of an individual. The User or human-centered design approach is a task representative design interface focusing the design and development life-cycle by a deep understanding of the end user. It is a bottom-up approach, not top down. It is collaborative, not patriarchal. It is generative and iterative, not singular in concept.
As users are being increasingly encouraged to participate in the design of personalized products in various ways, a new kind of user-centered business model emerges. One of the outcomes of this transformation is the restructuring of a company's products - from a one-size-fits-all to a kit-of-parts - allowing customers to mix-n-match. The Interventions like these consider the behavior of people, require a relatively small investment, and prevent undesirable, costly side effects of product use. It could be as simple as the sound the car makes when the doors are not properly closed to stop the user from draining the car battery. A similar process is taking place in architectural design, as more research projects and a few commercial applications employ mass-customization techniques to allow users to design and build their own living solutions. With the growing concerns about environmental degradation, resource deficiency, there are concerns about whether the needs of the people using the design are more important than the landfills being created or water bodies being polluted. Can architects, designers, manufacturers keep on keeping the “user” in the center or the environment be kept in the center? The goal should be to determine where the product, design or system fits, if at all, into the environmental factors that make up sustainability.
This session shall provide a platform for discussion and debate on human centric design, case studies, need or concerns to move towards environmental design.
Thematic Speaker:
- Prof Helen Lochhead, Dean, Faculty of built environment, University of New South Wales
- Prof. Manoj Mathur, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
- Ar. Ravindra Punde, Co-founder, Design Cell
- Ar. Ayush Chauhan, Quicksand
- Ar. Amritha Ballal, Founding Partner, SpaceMatters
- Ar. Annkur Khosla, Annkur Khosla Design Studio
Q & A session17:25 - 17:30 Felicitation of GRIHA patrons
- Morphogenesis
- Sikka
- Vastu Shilp
- Rajendra Kumar Associates
15:45 – 17:30 Thematic Track 14 – Water Stress: Perplexing Possibilities at Jacaranda
Water is at the core of sustainable development and its three dimensions i.e. social, economy, and environment. Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of people around the world, an alarming figure that is projected to increase with the rise in global temperatures. Qualitative and quantitative water stress results in increasing droughts, declining quality of groundwater and unabated flooding. Therefore, effective and sustainable management of water resources in order to increase water supply and manage demand under stressed water availability condition is essential to sustainable development.
National policy level interventions over the past few years have been critical to integrate water resource management & help conserve water, minimize waste and ensure proper distribution of water within the country. Water, being an integral part of the construction, and operations of the built environment, is a crucial aspect of the conceptualization, design, and execution of the construction projects. This session shall provide a platform for various agencies to come together and discuss the challenges and probable solutions to ensure rapid dissemination and appropriate adaptation or application of water resource management in the built environment, which is key to strengthen water security.
Thematic Speaker and Moderator:
- Prof Greg Leslie, Acting Director of the UNSW Global Water Institute; & Director of the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology
- Prof. Arun Kansal, HoD and Professor, Department of Regional Water Studies, TERI University
- Ms. Tushara Shankar, GM/Head- CSR at United Breweries Ltd
- Prof. Hina Zia, Department of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Q & A session15:45 – 17:25 Thematic track 15: Health and well-being in urban environment at Tamarind
The evidence base exploring the linkages in cities between natural and built environments, and the health and wellbeing of those living in them continues to grow, aided often by increased digitization of health and environmental data. Feedback loops and co-benefits of creating sustainable cities and opportunities to increase health and wellbeing have been characterized and continues to be measured. This has opened up new opportunities for intervention through planned designed, especially when considered through the combined lenses of increasing incidence of noncommunicable disease in both high and low to middle income countries, increases in urbanization, and climate change. The opportunities to remodel and design cities to be sustainable, with these new characteristics in mind, will lead to the better health and wellbeing of those domiciled in them.
Thematic Speaker:
- Dr. Nicholas Osborne, Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales
- Assoc. Prof. Melissa Hart, Graduate Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, University of New South Wales
- Professor Vivekanand Jha, Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, India
- Dr. Mohan K. Dongare, Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
- Mr Sanjeev Karpe, Founder Director of Konkan Bamboo & Cane Development Cente
Q & A session17:25 - 17:30 Felicitation of GRIHA patrons
- Deependra Prasad
- Gaurav Shorey
- Gurneet Singh
- Chitra Rekha Kabre
- Jeevan Mohan
15:45 – 17:30 Thematic track 16 – Market and legal perspectives at Amaltas
The built environment industry is made up of multiple players, including owners, developers, designers, agents, builders and subcontractors, who work on projects with lengthy lifecycles, which sometimes span over years, which are in turn embedded in legal frameworks.
Alongside a rapidly changing environment, stakeholder expectations are shifting: increasing disclosure requirements from investors, greater public awareness of the issues and impacts created by the property and construction industries, and the uptake of international frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), are catalysing conversations among stakeholders and within organizations about how they should respond appropriately to material sustainability issues through the developments they create.
Many of the SDGs explicitly call for changes to the laws, policies and practices of governments, business and communities to rapidly progress that transformation. All countries have adopted these non-binding goals and many are taking steps to meet them but often in ways that are disjointed or uncoordinated, reducing the impact of that legal, policy or market-based action. Such actions also face political, cultural, economic, financial, educational and technological challenges. Policy makers, business leaders and community organizations must work together to ensure our legal and policy frameworks create and sustain circular economies. This track discusses some of the financial market, legal and policy mechanisms that promote sustainability.
Thematic Speaker & Moderator :
- Dr. Maria Balatbat, Senior Lecturer; Joint Director (UNSW Business School), Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, University of New South Wales
- Mr. Christopher McElwain, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
- Ms. Xinyi Geng, Researcher, UNSW Business School), University of New South Wales
- Ms. Manju Menon, Program Director (Environment Justice), Namati
- Mr. Sunil Agarwal, Associate Dean & Director - School of Real Estate (RICS) & Managing Director, Black Olive Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
- Mr. Pavel Singh, Saint Gobain PPB
Q & A session17:45 onwards Awards ceremony and cultural evening
Welcome remarks
- Dr. Ajay Mathur, President, GRIHA Council and Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute
Special remarks
- Mr. Laurie Pearcey, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), University of New South Wales
Special remarks
Dr. Alka Bhargav, Joint Secretary & Mission Director, National Bamboo Mission
Special Remarks
- Ms. Koyal Rana, Femina Miss India 2014
Exemplary performance awards ceremony - Click here to see the final EP awards list
Vote of thanks
- Mr. Sanjay Seth, Chief Executive Officer, GRIHA Council & Senior Director – Sustainable Buildings Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Cultural evening19:00 onwards Cocktails & Dinner -
The 10th GRIHA Summit – "International Conference on Building Energy Efficiency Transformation"
Day 3: December 13, 2018 | The Ashok, New Delhi
09:00 - 09:45 Registrations 09:45 - 10:30 Inaugural Session
Welcome Address India:
- Mr Abhay Bakre, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Curtain Raiser Address:
- Dr Winfried Damm, Head of Indo-German Energy programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Vote of Thanks: Mr. Saurabh Diddi, Director, Bureau of Energy Efficiency10:30 - 11:30 Plenary Session 3: Connecting the Past with the Future
Architecture as a discipline is continuously going through evolution, reimagination, and transformation. The architecture in India has vestigial influences of the British and Mughals stay in the country. Throughout the years, the impact of modern technologies also became visible on the buildings. However, passive features and climate responsive design has always been integral to the design. The challenges of urbanization in the country are manifold and exaggerated by the threats of climate change, and depleting resources. Climate responsive design is often not being given priority as meeting with the rising energy demand from a building due to increased dependence on mechanical systems for thermal and visual comfort, erratic weather patterns, evolving demands and requirements of the clients.
the problems and complexities faced by the architectural practice are far more perturbing and challenging today; and designers have to respond to the changing requirements, parameters yet keep a hold on the timeless knowledge of constructing right distilled from years of wisdom.
This session shall be a platform for the deliberations on how the architects are striking a balance between climate responsive design and intelligent, mechanical system driven design.
- Mr Ashok B Lall, Principal, ASHOK B LALL ARCHITECTS
- Prof. K. T. Ravindran, Academic Advisor, RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University
- Mr Sanjay Prakash, Principal Consultant, Studio for Habitat Futures
- Ms. Moulshri Joshi, Founding Partner, SpaceMatters
Q & A session11:30 - 12:00 Tea/ Coffee Break Parallel Sessions 12:00 - 13:30 Thematic track 17 – Policy, Regulations and Enforcement
Robust policies, action plans are impactful mechanisms to inculcate energy efficiency at various levels. Various standards and labeling programmes for equipment, appliances; Energy Conservation Building Code. Policies corelate the climate change issues and their impact on the national economy and society with an emphasis on energy efficiency, if implemented well. Community engagement, adequate humans and material resources bridge the gap between policy creation and implementation.
The impending sense of doom due to global warming, disturbed weather due to climate change requires dedicated action plans, strategy documents to execute the policies derived from the SDGs, and other global agendas.
Additionally, a more dynamic and evolved outlook is required towards policy formulation.
The deliberations in the session shall focus on the policy framework for energy efficiency in the country, execution mechanisms, challenges and issues.
- Mr. Markus Wypior, Deputy Cluster Coordinator GIZ IGEN
- Mr. Saurabh Diddi, Director, Bureau of Energy Efficiency
- Ms. Henriette Færgemann, Counselor Environment Energy & Climate Change at EU Delegation to India
- Mr. S P Garnaik, CGM (Tech), Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)
- Mr. Stefan Horschler, Buofur Bauphysik
Q & A session12:00 - 13:30 Thematic track 18: Building Financing & Business Models
Climate change mitigation and adaptation makes a compelling global case for action; however, it is clear that an effective response still require enormous levels of investment. The low carbon growth planned at a global level to mitigate climate change requires financing opportunities, which are often constrained leading to requirement of innovative financing mechanisms to keep fueling the growth with reduced investment requirement.
With the passing years, decisions are made that will lock the world in to high carbon development paths for years to come.
The International Energy Agency has predicted that without concerted push from policy, 2/3rds of the economically viable potential to improve energy efficiency in buildings will remain unexploited by 2035. New forms of policy support, new institutional arrangements, new forms of finance, and new business models are therefore required if the energy efficiency opportunities in buildings are to be exploited.
The deliberations in the session will revolve around building financing, business models, energy economics and affordability.
- Mr Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director, Energy Efficiency Services Limited
- Ms. Sandra Soares Da Silva, Head of Energy Cell, KfW
- Mr. Monu Ratra, ED & CEO, IIFL Home Finance Ltd.
- Mr. R V Deshpande, DGM, Builder Finance, SBI
- Ms. Apurva Chaturvedi, Sr. Clean Energy Specialist, USAID/India
Q & A session13:30 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 15:00 Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla, Dean, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Sydney and Director, Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology, UNSW, Australia
ARC Laureate Professor Veena Sahajwalla is revolutionizing recycling science to enable global industries to safely utilize toxic and complex wastes as low cost alternatives to virgin raw materials and fossil fuels. As Founding Director of UNSW’s Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology, Veena and her team are working closely with industry partners to deliver the new science, processes and technologies that will drive the redirection of many of the world’s most challenging waste streams away from landfills and back into production; simultaneously reducing costs to alleviating pressures on the environment.Parallel Sessions 15:00 – 16:30 Thematic track 19 – Emerging Building Technologies
The advancement in the construction industry is strongly being witnessed in the emerging new building technologies, practices and techniques.
Advanced technologies have been introduced from manufacturing industry with their concepts and methods to improve quality and productivity such as industrialization, prefabrication modularization, mechanization, automation and computerization. However, the uptake of such technologies is considerably slower primarily due to lack of trained man power, the acceptance by the market forces, the lack of policy mechanisms supporting the same.
This session shall focus on deliberations on the emerging building technologies, the issues, challenge and way forward.
- Mr. Pramod Adlakha, Managing Director, Adlakha Associates Pvt. Ltd
- Mr. S Vikash Ranjan, Programme Manager – EEB, IGEN- GIZ
- Ms. Camille Sifferlen, Certified Passive House Designer, Trainer and Building Certifier, Passive House Institute
- Mr. Harish Borah, Consultant, ADW Developments
- Mr. Shailesh Ranjan, Head - Business Planning & Operations, Asahi India Glass Ltd
Q & A session15:00 – 16:30 Thematic track 20 – Advancements in Building Optimization
Smart/intelligent buildings, cognitive computing, Internet of Things are few of the highlighted terms as the building industry progresses towards real time data for productivity, convenience and sustainability. Additionally, building simulation is dynamically evolving to model, and predict a building’s thermal, visual and acoustic performance beforehand to help it further optimize.
Leveraging digital advancements is opening new avenues and proving beneficial to all stakeholders. Furthermore, it is integral to bridging silos of various component of building industry, green buildings, government initiatives, organizations, facility management agencies etc.
This session shall focus on advancements in building optimization, challenges and barriers, and ways to scale up.
- Mr Anurag Bajpai, Director, GreenTree Building Energy Pvt Ltd
- Mr. Rohit Chasta, Senior Engineer, Energy Efficiency, International Operations, Schneider Electric
- Mr Dhiraj Wadhwa, Director – Integrated Solutions & Key Accounts, United Technologies - Climate, Controls & Security
- Mr. Deepak Shapeti, Director, Ignis IT and Rupak Group
Q & A session16:30 - 16:45 Tea/ Coffee Break 16:45 - 17:45 Valedictory session
Vote of Thanks: Dr. Winfried Damm, Head of Indo-German Energy programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH