Mud Workshop
Date: 1st December, 2018 | Time: 10:30 am to 16:00 pm
Venue: Mahindra- TERI Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Habitats, TERI Gram, Gurgaon - Faridabad Road, Opposite Pathways School, Gwal Pahari, Gurugram - 122 102 Haryana, India
Trainer: Ar. Revati Kamath, Principal Architect, Kamath Design StudioOut of all natural construction materials, mud has been the most essential building material over centuries. Mudbrick is locally abundant and affordable material with a very low carbon footprint. So in this age increasing environmental awareness about the potential of mud as a green building material is necessary.
This one day mud workshop aims at providing participants with the knowledge needed to evoke their sensibility towards benefit of using mud in construction. The content of the workshop will make them understand the methodology of soil testing and will also give hands-on experience in making bricks from the pioneer of mud architecture in India- Ar. Revati Kamath.
Students and professionals from architecture, civil engineering and related fields are invited to register for this workshop.
Registrations has been closed.
Poster Gallery -
Time Agenda 1030 – 1100 Registration 1100 – 1200 Introduction of the workshop 1200 – 1315 Introduction to soil and methodology of soil testing 1315– 1400 Lunch 1400 – 1500 Making of bricks -demonstration and participation of students 1500- 1530 Q & A 1530 – 1545 Distribution of Certificates 1545 – 1600 Tea Break