Site Visit
Green Building Tour by GRIHA Council
Date: 8th December, 2018 | Time: 10:30 to 15:00
Venue: Site Visit at 5 Star GRIHA rated SchoolAs a prelude to the 10th GRIHA Summit, GRIHA Council is organizing a 'green building tour' to a Five Star GRIHA certified school in New Delhi on 8th December 2018. The tour would demonstrate the green innovations being incorporated in the building design. It is an exciting opportunity to explore green buildings and help create awareness about the importance of going green. Delegates will be to familiarize with various green building strategies integrated in the school as a case study for their reference. The site visit will help to disseminate knowledge and create awareness on sustainable habitat.
Delegates would first experience the school in Virtual reality and Augmented reality 3D models. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) tool creates and enhances exact replicas of the real world for a better view of the entire project through virtual reality models further this would help them better access the space during the site visit.
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Time Agenda 1030 - 1130 AR & VR experience at IHC 1130 Leave from IHC, New Delhi for Site Visit at 5 Star GRIHA rated School 1200 Reach Venue 1200 – 1245 Project presentation by the Project Team/Architect/Consultant at conference room 1245 – 1330 Refreshments for the Delegates at Canteen area 1330 – 1500 Proceed for site visit 1500 Leave from Venue for IHC, New Delhi