Sustainability- A way of living
Date: 1st November, 2018 | Time: 18:00 to 19:00
Venue: Amphitheatre, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003In the twentieth century, consider, that the foremost failure of humanity isn't one of education, or poverty-alleviation, or maintaining ecological balance, but one of faith; humankind has lost faith.
Today, we, armed with a 'scientific' temperament, have managed to endanger, contaminate, pollute, infect, hospitalize, destroy, and make-extinct more of nature than ever in history. Suddenly, we have practices that construct unsustainable settlements (cities ), unsustainable buildings (sky-scrapers ), unsustainable water-systems (sewage & plumbing ), unsustainable energy systems (thermal, nuclear, hydrological), unsustainable medical systems (experimental drug related), and unsustainable transport systems (practically everything that runs with an engine), in the name of 'development' and an omnipresent lust for competition.
With this in the background, we, at the GRIHA council, would like to bring to the fore the relentless voice of a community who have always followed the written word – the word of the ancients, the word of the scriptures, the word of God. These people are graduates from the country's premier, and have a sound grounding in the 'scientific', but have chosen the spiritual over such seemingly-endless, material pursuits. And their lives serve as inspirational examples of sustainable living.
In a one-of-a-kind tête-à-tête with the Director of Govardhan Eco-village, Prabhu Gauranga Das, the Director of Eco-Spiritual Retreat at Dwarka, Father Stanley, legendary architect Ashok B. Lall and the CEO of the GRIHA council Mr. Sanjay Seth, we shall examine how their spiritual pursuits have led to inherently sustainable outcomes.
The session will be moderated by Ar. Gaurav Shorey, Founder Member, Swaraj.