Plenary Session 1

Advancing Low-Carbon Materials in the Construction Industry

The initiative to support low-carbon building materials aims to reduce carbon emissions from both the construction processes and the materials used, fostering ecological responsibility and sustainability. Therefore, it is imperative that the environmental impact of the construction industry be addressed promptly.

Prioritizing the use of low-carbon materials throughout a building’s lifecycle is essential for the construction industry to effectively combat climate change. Higher cost of sustainable alternatives, the general lack of knowledge, uncertainty of emission, and the difficulty of obtaining adequate funding for sustainable initiatives are some of the main barriers.

The shift to low-carbon materials is making progress despite these obstacles. India’s building industry can make significant progress toward a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future by utilizing state-of-the-art innovations, encouraging cross-sector cooperation, and adopting a sustainability-focused culture.

Leading authorities from the public and private sectors will convene in this session to discuss strategies for advancing low-carbon materials. It seeks to eliminate knowledge gaps, promote industry cooperation, and create a coherent plan for cutting carbon emissions in the building sector.