- ADaRSH (Association for Development and Research on Sustainable Habitat)
- The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
- The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI
ADaRSH (Association for Development and Research on Sustainable Habitat): GRIHA Secretariate

ADaRSH has been jointly formed by the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) and TERI (The Energy and Resource Institute) to help promote GRIHA. It is a platform to facilitate a pan-India, ongoing interaction and networking between building professionals, developers and government officials. It was formally launched on 4 January 2010 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on the occasion of the first GRIHA National Conference.
GRIHA is a 'green building; design and performance evaluation system' and is suitable for all kinds of buildings in different climatic zones of India.
Contact details
Sustainable Habitats Division
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute)
Bhishma Pitamah Marg,
1st Floor, A - 260, Defence colony,
New Delhi - 110024
Tel. - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

The MNRE is the nodal Ministry of the Government of India for all matters relating to new and renewable energy. The broad aim of the Ministry is to develop and deploy new and renewable energy for supplementing the energy requirements of the country.
The mission of the Ministry is to ensure energy security by deploying alternate fuels (hydrogen, biofuels and synthetic fuels) and their applications to contribute towards bridging the gap between domestic oil supply and demand. This would lead to lesser dependence on oil imports through development. It also looks into increase in the share of clean power, renewable (bio, wind, hydro, solar, geothermal and tidal) electricity to supplement fossil fuel based electricity generation. The MNRE works towards:
- Energy availability and access: it works towards supplementing energy needs of cooking, heating, etc., motive power and captive generation in rural, urban, industrial and commercial sectors;
- Energy affordability: cost-competitive, convenient, safe and reliable new and renewable energy supply options;
- Energy equity: per-capita energy consumption at par with the global average level by 2050, through a sustainable and diverse fuel mix.
Contact details
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Block-14, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, India.
Telephone: 91-11-24361298, 24360404, 24360707
Fax: 91-11-24361298
The Energy and Resource Institute

TERI was formally established in 1974. TERI has been working towards providing innovative cost-effective solutions in the fields of energy and environment for the global sustainable development The Institute under its sustainable habitat division has been working on issues related to sustainable urban development and has been consistently delivering solutions to enable design and development of sustainable habitats at both macro and micro levels.
TERI has been actively working in states and cities to mainstream sustainable habitat/building design guidelines and regulations at the building level to help design greener buildings through integrated design approach, adoption of innovative technological solutions and passive principles, and retrofit of existing buildings for them to be converted into green buildings.
TERI was a member of the expert committee constituted to develop the Energy Conservation Building Code of India and was also represented in the expert committee for the formulation of the National Building Code of India 2005.
Contact details
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, India
Tel. (+91 11) 2468 2100 and 41504900
Fax (+91 11) 2468 2144 and 2468 2145