Page 89 - Shashwat - Restoring Green Economy
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             for pricing the carbon as mentioned   should focus on minimizing the
             below:                          subsidies given on fossil fuels and
                ƒ National Energy Policy 2020;  work towards maximizing the
                ƒ Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT)   issuance of an implicit price on
               Scheme;                       carbon through green bonds. In
                                             the long-term approach, as seen in
                ƒ Renewable Energy Certificates   other countries, India must consider
                                             using both green bonds and carbon
                ƒ Internal Carbon Pricing;   pricing for financing low carbon
                ƒ Coal Cess 2010.            developments, as the global costs
             For developing countries such as   of renewables are already on the
             India, some of the challenges on   decline, thereby encouraging the
             pricing carbon include scattered   companies to shift to renewable
             benefits creating political     sources of energy generation. With
             unwillingness, households’      the strategic strengthening of the
             disinterest in paying a carbon tax,   digital infrastructure through
             and other hurdles in the growth of   missions such as Digital India, and
             developing countries. In a country   by creating a dialogue to understand
             like India, carbon pricing schemes   the importance of carbon pricing
             must be formulated after considering   among citizens, our country exhibits
             the political and behavioural   immense potential of leading the   Heine, D., W. Semmler, M. M. João,
             implications on the government and   world to a low carbon future.  P. Braga, M. Flaherty, A. Gevorkyan,
             the general public. Carbon pricing                             E. Hayde, and S. Radpour. 2019. Financing
             policies should be flexible, must   References                 Low Carbon Transitions through Carbon
             have equalized marginal cost of                                Pricing and Green Bonds. Details available
             abatement, and be more beneficial   Andrew, R. 2021. Why India’s CO2   at
             than conventional regulations to   Emissions Grew Strongly in 2017. In   Krogstrup, S., and W. Oman. 2019.
             the individuals, in addition to being   Carbon Brief           Macroeconomic and Financial Policies for
             centred on revenue generation.  Barron, A. R., M. A. C. Hafstead, and   Climate Change Mitigation: A Review of the
                                             A. C. M. Brookings. n.d. The Climate and   Literature. Details available at https://
                                             Energy Economics Project Policy Insights
             The Way Forward                 From Comparing Carbon Pricing Modeling   Issues/2019/09/04/Macroeconomic-
                                             Scenarios                      and-Financial-Policies-for-Climate-
             This article made an attempt to                                Change-Mitigation-A-Review-of-the-
             understand the complexity of    Bowen, A. 2011. The Case for Carbon   Literature-48612
             financing low carbon developments   Pricing. Details available at www.lse.
                                   |1  Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani,
             through a brief discussion on two                              S. L. Connors, C. Péan, and S. Berger. 2021.
             policy instruments, including   Chandra, T. 2021. Pricing Carbon: Trade-  Climate Change 2021 Working Group I
             carbon pricing and green bonds. In   Offs and Opportunities for India. In   Contribution to the Sixth Assessment
             India, the debt level is increasing   Observer Research Foundation  Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
             with each passing day and as per   CPCL (Carbon Pricing Leadership   on Climate Change Summary for
             the estimation by IMF, it will cross   Coalition). 2015. The FASTER Principles   Policymakers.
             80% of the GDP by 2021. Hence,   for Successful Carbon Pricing: An Approach   Parry, I. 2019. Carbon-Pricing Strategies
             India should think of both short-  Based on Initial Experience  Could Hold the Key to Meeting the World’s
             term and long-term approaches. In   Dube, S., and A. Barnwal. 2011. Situation   Climate Stabilization Goals.
             the short-term approach, carbon   Analysis and Baseline Report  Patzdorf, L. 2016. Mumbai: India Green
             pricing does not seem a viable   Funke, F., and L. Mattauch. 2018. Why   Bonds Council Holds First Meeting: New
             option as the high carbon taxes   Is Carbon Pricing in Some Countries   Group Convened by FICCI and Climate
             are opposed by both political and   More Successful Than in Others? In   Bonds to Drive Market Development.
             public groups. The government             Climate Bonds Initiative
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