Page 90 - Shashwat - Restoring Green Economy
P. 90

Training Programme
                                                                                            on the DOs and
                                                                                            DON’Ts of GRIHA
                                                                                            Version 2015
                                                                                            A six-day intensive training
                                                                                            programme was conducted
                                                                                            by GRIHA Council on the
                                                                                            DOs and DON’Ts of GRIHA
                                                                                            Version 2015 documentation.

         GRIHA Awareness
         World Environment Day
         was celebrated by GRIHA
         Council to spread awareness
         among people to protect the
         environment for a healthier
         and better future.

                                                                                      Webinar on Green Buildings
                                                                                      – The GRIHA Way
                                                                                      A 15-hour training-and-awareness
                                                                                      online programme was held over
                                                                                      five days, which included sessions
                                                                                      on all aspects of building design,
                                                                                      construction, and engineering that
                                                                                      play a crucial role in the assessment
                                                                                      for GRIHA Rating.

    MoU between GRIHA Council and IIFL HL
    Mr Monu Ratra, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, IIFL
    HFL and Mr Sanjay Seth, Chief Executive Officer, GRIHA Council
    signed the MoU on behalf of both the organizations. This collaboration
    is for the promotion and implementation of green building concepts
    and their evaluation using the GRIHA rating system pan India.
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