Energy Challenge
India's energy consumption is increasing at an exponential rate, following a continuous and unprecedented population and economic growth. While India has a mix of all sources of energy, including renewables, most of its energy supply is yet fuelled by coal.
According to India's Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), two thirds of the built space in India in 2030 would have been built after 2012. Energy consumption could increase by the same proportion. However, an opportunity exist to increase the use of renewable energy, and to raise the standard for energy efficiency of buildings and appliances. To implement this, however, serious efforts need to be made for improving and enforcing building codes and regulations, bilateral partnerships for the adoption of new technologies, as well significant investments should be applied to renewable energy infrastructure. Fast growing cities have no choice but to transition toward low-carbon systems to become sustainable.
This session wants to take an integrated approach to the energy challenge while discussing the issues of energy access, kind of technologies, investments and infrastructure required to power India's fast growing cities; off-setting the increased energy consumption by efficient design of the built environment; and seeking the support of institutional regulations and policies in promoting a low carbon living in urban India.