• #GRIHA4All

17th December 2019 (Tuesday)

Venue : India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

8:30 – 9:30 hrs Registration, Tea/Coffee & Networking
9:30 – 11:00 hrs Inaugural Session, Inauguration of the Exhibition by dignitaries along with GRIHA Rating Awards
11:00 – 12:00 hrs Plenary Session 1: Approach to Integrated Sustainability (Grand Challenge on Rapid Urbanization)
Parallel Sessions Thematic Track 1
( Silver Oak Hall)
Thematic Track 2
( Amaltas Hall)
Thematic Track 3
( Jacaranda Hall)
12:15 – 13:15 hrs Changing consumer behavior Women in sustainability Vernacular architecture: Reconciling with the past
13:30 – 14:30 hrs Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 hrs Plenary Session 2: Energy Challenge
15:30 – 16:30 hrs Engaging Women in Built Environment (Tamarind Hall)
Parallel Sessions Thematic Track 4
( Jacaranda Hall)
Thematic Track 5
( Silver Oak Hall)
Thematic Track 6
( Amaltas Hall)
15:45– 16:45 hrs Reducing the global carbon footprint Sustainable low impact materials GWI Hackathon
17:15– 18:15 hrs Stand-up comedy by Mr. Anirban Dasgupta
End of Day 1
For speaker details, presentations and recorded webcast please Click Here

18th December 2019 (Wednesday)

Venue : India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

10:00 – 11:00 hrs Plenary Session 3: Water Challenge
11:00 – 11:30 hrs Tea/ Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions Thematic Track 7(Silver Oak Hall) Thematic Track 8(Jacaranda Hall) Thematic Track 9(Amaltas Hall)
11:30– 12:30 hrs Social aspect of sustainability Sustainability for Schools: Dream or Reality Sustainability in the clothing industry
12:45 – 14:00 hrs Lunch
14:00-15:00 hrs Plenary Session 4: Waste Challenge
15:00 – 15:30 hrs Tea/ Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions Thematic Track 10
( Silver Oak Hall)
Thematic Track 11
( Jacaranda Hall)
Thematic Track 12
( Amaltas Hall)
15:30– 16:30 hrs Sustainability in water supply Switching to cleaner fuels Air pollution-A global menace
17:00 – 18:00 hrs Plenary Session 5: Governance Challenge
18:00 – 19:30 hrs Valedictory, Award Ceremony & Cultural evening
19:30 hrs onwards Cocktails & Dinner
Closing of 11th GRIHA Summit
For speaker details, presentations and recorded webcast please Click Here

Copyright © 2019

Contact Us

GRIHA Council
Email - info@grihaindia.org
Tel: - (+91 11) 46444500/24339606-08
Website - www.grihaindia.org
India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road,
Near Airforce Bal Bharati School,
New Delhi - 110003

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