Sustainability in water supply
Growing pressure on water resources from population, economic growth, climate change, pollution, and other challenges has major impacts on our social, economic, and environmental well-being. The world’s water problems stem from our failure to meet the basic human needs, ineffective or inappropriate management of our resources, and our inability to balance our resource needs with the replenishing capacity of the nature. Many of our most important aquifers are being over-pumped, causing widespread declines in groundwater levels. Sustainable water supply should emphasize on finding reliable and resilient approaches for meeting the water demand of our population without exhausting the existing sources of water and not affecting the local economy as well. The rapid development of demographic and economic changes is increasing stress on India's water resources resulting in declining water quantity and quality. The shift should be on enhancing efficient utilization of existing resources and changes in the existing water policies both in India and around the world.
The most important change we can make is in the way we think about, value, and manage our water resources.
This session aims to explore on bringing together multiple stakeholders with various viewpoints in order to determine how the water resources as well as the increased consumption can be effectively managed