Webinar on 'Introduction to Climate Technologies in Buildings'

Events Webinar on 'Introduction to Climate Technologies in Buildings'
Aug 5, 2015
Aug 5, 2015

As per 5th Assessment report of the IPCC, the buildings sector globally accounted for about 32% of final energy use and 8.8 Gt CO2 emissions, in 2010. This includes both direct and indirect emissions. The share of the building sector in global GHG emissions was 19% (including direct and indirect) in 2010. The energy demand with associated emissions shall continue to grow, with projected demand to double by mid century and CO2 emissions shall increase by 50-150% in the same time period. In parallel, there are significant advances in technologies, know-how and policies that provide opportunities to reduce energy consumption in the sector. Both new and existing buildings need to be addressed in order to bring down the overall consumption levels and the associated emissions.

This webinar will provide an overview of impact and relevance of energy consumption in the building sector in global scenario and its potential to mitigate climate change. The presentation will highlight some of the key techniques and technologies that can help reduce energy consumption, including technologies related to building design and passive measures, material choices to reduce heat gains/losses from buildings, low energy lighting and cooling systems. The webinar will discuss the gaps and barriers that exist in the sector along with examples on policies and tools from India that have been in place to address these issues. Since green building rating systems are globally recognized as market transformation tools that can provide significant push to the sector in achieving desired goals of energy and water sustainability, the presentation will also provide an overview of the green building rating system developed by TERI that is recognised as the National rating system for green buildings in India. Case studies on green /energy efficient buildings in building will be presented.