Certified Professionals

GRIHA Certified Professionals have a thorough knowledge of the GRIHA rating system and help projects implement GRIHA efficiently. They help guide projects towards GRIHA certification and contribute as faculty for various programs.
S.No. Name Designation Organisation Location GRIHA Version
1 Sachin Dehukar Territory Manager (Sales) Biltech Building Elements Ltd. Gujarat Version-2015
2 Ms Reha Golia Architect Central University, Rajasthan Rajasthan Version-2015
3 I J Veronica Dorcas Masters student School of Planning and Architecture Telangana Version-2015
4 Ms Disha Chanda Architect Rajesh. R. C Architect Maharashtra Version-2015
5 Bhagyalakshmi Veerappan Senior Architect L&T construction Tamil Nadu Version-2015
6 Mrs Deepti Vyas Architect D Vyas and Associates Madhya Pradesh Version-2015
7 Ms MINAKSHI PATEL M.tech MNIT Jaipur Rajasthan Version-2015
8 Mr Anand Kumar Sharma Project Engineer Design2Occupancy Services LLP West Bengal Version-2015
9 Sashwati Ghosh Ar Manipal University West Bengal Version-2015
10 Ar Sherly M Dennis Architectural Assistant Public Works Department, KERALA Kerala Version-2015