The GRIHA Community

GRIHA V.2019 Exam Calendar 2025-26

GRIHA Community is a pool of stakeholders associated with GRIHA Council for holistically contributing towards sustainability through businesses, practices and academics. The community is formulated to enable the active dissemination of knowledge and skills necessary pertaining to various aspects of green buildings.

Interested professionals and organizations can be associated with GRIHA Council by becoming any of the following type of member:

Community Members

ACE Member

ACE (Agents of Change for Environment) is a student membership programme to bring together students of various disciplines to disseminate knowledge around GRIHA way of greening INDIA.

Click here view the list of ACE members


The CATALYST membership is developed for academic institutions across the nation. Students of the member institutions can avail attractive benefits at subsidized costs and even complimentary.

Empanelled Consultant

An opportunity for Green Building Consulting firms to be associated with GRIHA Council and promoting the rating and its variants pan India.

Associate Member

GRIHA Council offers membership opportunities to various stakeholder groups that are associated with the building industry, whether it be directly (developers, contractors, designers, engineers, consultants etc.) or indirectly (product manufacturers, students, or the general public.)

Click here view the list of Associate members

Empanelment of GRIHA - Green building auditor (GRIHA - GBA)

GRIHA Council offers an opportunity for BEE certified energy managers, BEE auditor, ECBC master trainer and ECBC Expert Professional to associate through empanelment for being associated with GRIHA Council as building and commissioning auditors for all GRIHA rating variants.

Empanelment of GRIHA green building auditors has been developed with an objective of creating a database of BEE certified energy managers or auditor or ECBC master trainer or ECBC Expert Professional that are proficient of providing technical support to prospective projects that are registered under any variant of GRIHA.

Interested BEE certified energy managers or auditor or ECBC master trainer or ECBC Expert Professional may submit their applications to GRIHA Council. The BEE certified energy managers or auditor or ECBC master trainer or ECBC Expert Professional will be empanelled based on specific evaluation criteria. The empanelled BEE certified energy managers or auditor or ECBC master trainer or ECBC Expert Professional will be listed on the GRIHA website with their contact details and the link to their websites (if any).

Click here to download the registration form

Empanelment Process
  • Download the application form (includes the registration form, declaration, list of documents and annexures).
  • Submit the application form along with supporting documents compressed in a single .rar or .zip folder on the registration link.
  • Please note: Application fee of INR 500+GST (non-refundable) has to be paid along with submission of documents. For any queries, please reach out to us at
  • On receipt of the application GRIHA Council shall review the submitted documents.
  • If approved, the applicant will receive an email from GRIHA Council. The empanelment fees have to be paid at this stage.
  • On receiving the registration fee, an e-Certificate will be shared with the GRIHA - Green building auditor and will be listed on the GRIHA website within 10 working days.
Evaluation Criteria

The applicant submitting the request should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Should hold a valid BEE certified energy manager or auditor or ECBC master trainer or ECBC
  • Expert Professional certificate (certificate should have at least two months validity at the time of submitting application for empanelment).
  • Should be registered/incorporated in India if working as a freelancer or running own firm or company/ NOC from the employer in case of employment.
  • Should have auditing and commissioning experience in at least 5 green building projects, out of which minimum of 3 projects should be rated.
    Please note: Pre-certification certificate will not be considered as rated project.
  • Should carry GRIHA Certified Professional or GRIHA Evaluator certificate.
    Please note: GRIHA v.2, v.3 and v.3.1 evaluator and trainer certificates are no longer valid.
  • Should not be blacklisted by any Central/State Government/Public Sector/private/Cooperate company or undertaking in India.
    Please note: If found non-compliant to this condition the empanelment will be terminated and a penalty of INR 10000 shall be imposed.
  • Should have prior experience of thermal, visual, acoustic and air quality audits.
  • Undertake procurement/lease of instruments required for green building audit on award of project.
Fees and Validity

Application: INR 500 (five hundred) non refundable

Registration: INR 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand)

Validity: 2 years

Renewal: INR 3,000 (Rupees Three Thousand)

Please note: If an applicant is disqualified twice, that will leave it ineligible to apply for the empanelment for 6 months after the disqualification.

Application fee is to be paid at the time of new registration and renewal.

Benefits of Empanelment
  • Accreditation: The GRIHA - Green building auditor will be able to use the certificate for branding, marketing and gazing both new and existing green building projects.
  • Ease while submitting bids: The Empanelment GRIHA - Green building auditors shall be preferred for any future audit tenders/contracts released by GRIHA council.
  • Gain point under Innovation: The Empanelment GRIHA - Green building auditors’ certificate shall be accepted to gain one point under innovation criterion of all GRIHA rating variants.
  • Special Discounts:
    • 5% discount on registration fees of the first two GRIHA projects registered within 6 months from the day of empanelment./li>
    • Discounts for various GRIHA events (National Summit, Regional Summit, Workshops etc.)
GRIHA Certified Professional

The GRIHA Certified Professionals or GRIHA CP is a cadre of professionals from diverse fields, who are equipped with the knowledge of the GRIHA rating system.

Eligibility Criteria:

Students are not eligible for the exam. Doctorate/Postgraduate/Graduate/Diploma holders in any stream can appear for the exam.

*Disclaimer: The coursework entails technical content specific to building construction and building physics. It is recommended for the candidate to complete the e-course on GRIHA v.2019 to be well versed with fundamentals of green buildings and GRIHA v.2019.

Examination Process: The examination is held once a month. It's an online examination which can be given from your home/office.
Click here to register for the exam.

Syllabus and study material: The GRIHA Certified Professional Exam is based on GRIHA Version 2019. Candidates may refer the GRIHA v.2019 Volume 1 and the E-course on v.2019 to prepare for the exam. Click here to know more about the E-course on GRIHA v.2019.

Note: Completing the e-course on v.2019 is not mandatory for appearing for the CP exam. However, it is strongly recommended to get equipped with the concepts and requirements of v.2019. Additionally, the candidates are expected to be well versed with the general concepts of sustainable development and the applicable codes like NBC, ISHRAE, ECBC, etc.

Exam structure:

  1. The GRIHA CP examination has 60 questions.
  2. Maximum marks are 100.
  3. The exam duration is 75 minutes.
  4. The passing marks to become a GRIHA Certified Professional are 75.
  5. There is NO negative marking
  6. Full marks for questions will be given only when the following conditions are met:
    • Single Choice Questions: Marks will be given only when the candidate selects the correct option and only one option. If more than one option is selected, the question will automatically be marked zero.
    • Multiple Choice Questions: Full marks (2 or 3) will be given only when the candidate selects all right answers. If the candidate selects less/more options than the correct options or if even one of the selected options is incorrect, the question will be marked zero.
  7. There are 3 sections in the question paper:
    • Section 1: Single/Multiple Choice Questions (40 Questions). The candidate will have to assess for each question whether it will have 1/2/3 correct options and mark accordingly.
    • Section 2: True and False (10 Questions)
    • Section 3: Calculations (10 Questions)

Examination fee (taxes as applicable): INR 4000 + taxes per attempt.

Note: Fees once paid is not refundable.

Validity: The validity of the GRIHA CP certificate issued will be active until the respective GRIHA version is active.

DISCLAIMER: No part of this online examination maybe be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or otherwise. GRIHA reserves the right to this examination. GRIHA Council will inform the participants whether they have 'qualified' or 'not qualified' as GRIHA Certified Professional.

PLEASE NOTE: In case the candidate is unable to complete the examination due to any technical constraints such as poor internet speed/ connectivity, electrical black out or technical issues; the candidate will have to do a fresh registration for the examination on a subsequent date. GRIHA Council will not be held liable for any technical fault and will not reimburse the fees. In case the internet connectivity breaks, the candidates can login again and continue the exam. However, do remember that extra time in lieu of the time lost due to connectivity concerns will not be given.

Click here view the list of certified professionals

GRIHA Evaluators

The GRIHA Evaluators are subject matter experts and professionals who evaluate the assigned projects after qualifying the GRIHA Examination. GRIHA Council reaches out to these professionals for criteria evaluation according to their expertise.

There are 5 categories of evaluators according to the GRIHA Version 2019:

Evaluator category

Any professional can choose to become an evaluator in one or more categories by attending the respective e-training modules.

Eligibility Criteria:

GRIHA Evaluators*
Degree/Course Minimum work experience
Diploma/ Undergraduate/Postgraduate in any stream 3 years
Postgraduate/Undergraduate in Architecture or Engineering 2 years


*Disclaimer: The coursework entails technical content specific to building construction and building physics. It is recommended for the candidate to complete the e-course on GRIHA v.2019 to be well versed with fundamentals of green buildings and GRIHA v.2019.

* Degree Certificate should be submitted before registering for the exam. If the document is not found as per the requirement, the evaluator certificate shall stand cancelled.

Examination Process: After successfully completing the e-learning module of respective category, you can appear in the examination. The Evaluator examination is held on a quarterly basis. You are advised to select a module, examination date in the registration form. Registration for the exam can be done by using the following link: Click Here

Syllabus and study material: Candidates may refer the GRIHA v.2019 Volume 1, E-course on v.2019 along with the e-learning module of the specific category is the basic course material to understand the compliance requirements of the criteria. Click here to know more about the E-course on GRIHA v.2019.

Note: Completing the e-course on v.2019 is not mandatory for appearing for the evaluator exam. However, it is strongly recommended to get equipped with the concepts and requirement of v.2019.

Exam structure:

  • The question paper will be of 100 marks (objective: 25 marks and subjective: 75 marks). The objective questions will test the ability to write grammatically correct and cohesive comments; knowledge of evaluation process; and criteria. The subjective questions will test the evaluation abilities based on provided documentation.
  • The examination duration will be 2.5 hours.
  • The passing marks will 75.

Examination fee (taxes as applicable): The e-learning module fees are INR 6000 + taxes for each module. This includes one attempt in the evaluator examination. A discount of 25% will be provided for every subsequent module, if the participant chooses to take more than 2 modules. Please write to to avail the discount.

Examination fee for reattempt (same category): INR 3000 + taxes for each re-attempt

Note: Fees once paid is not refundable.

Validity: The validity of the GRIHA evaluator certificate issued will be active until the respective GRIHA version is active.

Click here view the list of evaluators