GRIHA Water Positive Certification

Over the years the consumption and pollution of water by humans for various activities such as irrigation, cleaning, cooling and drinking has grown rapidly. In the context of extreme neglect, unsustainable consumption and mismanagement of the water resource across the world, this 'ubiquitous resource' today has become a 'precious' one, as water is a unique resource without any substitutes or alternatives. This coupled with climate change is going to make the water crisis more severe in the coming years.

The future estimates also show an alarming picture with total water demand in various sectors (energy, industry, drinking water, irrigation etc.) across India increasing on account of rapid economic and demographic change specially in the urban centers. It is expected to reach 1180 BCM in 2050, surpassing the average annual water availability of 1122 BCM (National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development (NCIWRD), Press Information Bureau 2013).

It becomes vital to manage water resources sustainably with the objective to optimize water usage, replenish ground water sources and avoid contamination of natural water sources. The water movement needs to gain momentum and that's possible only through collaborations between various industry stakeholders and research organisations in bringing out smart water solutions to mitigate water scarcity issues at grass root level. Transformation in lifestyles and advancements in the technology is the key. There is a need for development of innovative solutions to manage and monitor natural resources on Earth.

In light of the situation, GRIHA Council is glad to announce the release of 'Water Positive Certification'. The process involves water assessment to quantify the impact of water efficient solutions adopted and implemented by the project/organization to reduce the water footprint.

For more information and detailed proposal write to us at –

Fee structure
Site Area (sqm) Fees
> 5000 sqm Rs 3,50,000 + GST
5000 – 15000 sqm Rs 5,50,000 + GST
15000 – 25000 sqm Rs 7,50,000 + GST
25000 – 50000 sqm Rs 9,50,000 + GST
< 50000 sqm Rs 11,50,000 + GST

Company/Campus Logo Company/Campus Name Location Water Positive Index Year (Validity)
ABB India Limited, Peenya Campus Peenya, Bengaluru, Karnataka 1.05 Dec 2024 - Nov 2025
ABB India ltd. Nelamangala, Bangalore, Karnataka 1.24 Sept 2023 - Aug 2026
ABB India Limited, Plant No 1, Plot No 79, MIDC Satpur Nashik, Maharashtra 1.14 May 2023 - April 2026