3 day training programme (December, 2023) - Mumbai

An intensive 3-day training programme on GRIHA V.2019 was organized by GRIHA Council from 06 to 08 December 2023 at the The Orchid, 70/C, Nehru Road, Adjacent to Domestic Airport, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai with the intent to enhance knowledge on green buildings and GRIHA rating parameters for building professionals and students.
As the registration for projects for rating under GRIHA V2015 has been closed. All the new projects are being registered under the latest rating variant - GRIHA V.2019. The training programme was organized in order to ensure smooth transition towards the latest GRIHA rating variant.
The programme focused on various sections such as sustainable site planning, water and wastewater management, building design optimization, energy performance optimization, renewable energy utilization, solid waste management, sustainable building materials, construction management practices, life cycle cost analysis etc. Each session was carried out with presentations of the respective criteria followed by group and individual exercises for the participants.
The workshop was attended by more than 20 building professionals including architects, engineers, consultants, and students.
More such training programmes are in New Delhi and Guwahati. For more details refer to our training calendar (https://www.grihaindia.org/training-calendar-2023)