Green Deal assessments continue to increase

News and Updates > Green Deal assessments continue to increase
Builders Merchants News
May 15 2013

The number of Green Deal assessments carried out in April rose 28 percent to 9,522, the UK Government has said. Since the launch, 18,816 assessments have been made. The figures also showed a slower pickup in the number of businesses registering for the programme, with 55 authorised Green Deal providers, up from 48 the previous month. The number of installers rose from 831 at the end of March to 942. Mr Richard Griffiths, policy and campaigns consultant at the UK Green Building Council said the number of Green Deal assessments continues to grow at an encouraging pace however still needs that significant number of these turn into Green Deal plans. Early reports suggest that this is starting to happen, but not yet at a rate commensurate with the challenge face in retrofitting the UKs homes.

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