Green Footprint of a Blue Water Navy

News and Updates > Green Footprint of a Blue Water Navy
M F Monitor
Jun 5 2014

As guardians of maritime frontiers, the Indian Navy deploys ships, submarines and aircraft that consume energy resources for operational roles. With diminishing energy resources, price volatility and to minimize the impact of fossil fuels on the environment, there is an emerging and compelling need to ensure optimal utilization of these resources and 'stretch each rupee to the maximum' by increasing operational efficiency of maritime platforms and associated administrative processes within the Navy. Accordingly, the Indian Navy has embarked on an ambitious path of whole heartedly embracing ‘Green Initiatives’. Admiral RK Dhowan, Chief of the Naval Staff, has stressed on the need to implement measures which would cover all aspects - operations, administration, maintenance, infrastructure and community living.

To start with, a framework to measure the energy consumption level has been initiated. Based upon its findings, future energy reduction goals would be identified. In addition, the Admiral has directed that all future plans for augmentation and acquisition of assets/infrastructure projects would incorporate concepts of energy efficiency from the ab initio stages. Sustainable green technologies/norms based on GRIHA and LEEDS are being adopted to include Green fuels, MARPOL compliance, alternative energy & power. On the infrastructure and community living projects, the key result areas (KRAs) include Green buildings, Waste Recycling & Management, Water Conservation & Harvesting, renewable/alternative energy and power, environmental remediation etc. with an aim to achieve a 'zero carbon foot print'.

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