GRIHA is India's own green building rating system and part of mitigation strategy for combating climate change as highlighted in INDIA's INDC submitted to UNFCCC.

News and Updates > GRIHA is India's own green building rating system and part of mitigation strategy for combating climate change as highlighted in INDIA's INDC submitted to UNFCCC.
GRIHA and INDC Websites
Oct 5 2015

GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) reflects Indian ethos, culture and context, coupled with sensible modern approaches and developments in the domain of built-environment, helps promote and implement our country's energy and environmental, norms, standards, policies and programs for achieving sustainability in its buildings and habitats.

This indigenous rating system originally developed by TERI was adapted ,adopted and endorsed by MNRE(Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), G.O.I, as the National Rating System for Green Buildings and Habitats in India.

India, in its "INDIA'S INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC): WORKING TOWARDS CLIMATE JUSTICE" document submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), ahead of the crucial climate meet at Paris in December this year ,has highlighted GRIHA, country's own green building rating, as a significant strategy in the National Mission of Enhanced Energy Efficiency to reduce emission intensity.

The outcome of the Paris climate agreement holds the key to saving humanity from the catastrophic consequences of climate change.

Let us now, collectively mainstream and deploy GRIHA as a tool to design, construct, measure and rate green buildings in INDIA.

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