GRIHA Newsletter Message – Mr. Sanjay Seth, March 2024

Centred around the theme- ‘Water for Peace’, this year’s World Water Day, observed annually on 22nd March emphasizes acknowledging the critical role water in fostering peace, building resilience, and uniting communities and countries over this precious shared natural resource. Promoting water conservation in the built environment, the Water Positive Certification of GRIHA Council offers organizations/ companies/ individuals the opportunity to reduce their water footprint by promoting the adoption of water efficient solutions thereby, safeguarding the intrinsic natural resource- Water.
On the global front, GRIHA Council would be attending the Buildings and Climate Global Forum, co-organised by the Government of France and UNEP with the support of the Global Alliance for Building and Construction (Global ABC) held in Paris, France on 7th - 8th March 2024. The deliberations with ministers and high-level representatives of key stakeholder organisations will focus on enhancing global efforts to achieve decarbonization and climate resilience in the buildings sector.
Fostering partnerships, I am glad to share that GRIHA Council and Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University (BVDU), College of Architecture, Pune formalized their commitment to sustainability by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership aims to jointly work with a shared vision of promoting sustainability in the built environment and disseminating knowledge through awareness & education. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both the organizations emphasizing their commitment to sustainability and capacity building for the holistic growth of their students.
As we approach closure of the financial year 2023-24, the scheduled training programmes lined up in this month include online training on SVA GRIHA rating variant and awareness programme on GRIHA certifications on 15th March and 22nd March 2024 respectively. Let’s take this opportunity to engage and share insights on sustainable construction and building practices.
As we venture into upcoming financial year, let’s reaffirm our commitment to break the glass ceilings and propel ourselves toward greater success and achievement. On this note, I extend warm wishes to you and your family for a joyous and colourful Holi. May this vibrant festival brighten your life with happiness, good health, and success.