GRIHA Version 3 update

GRIHA undergoes a technical revision every year. The last GRIHA Technical Advisory Committee meeting was held on 5th July 2012. As per the discussions, certain revisions have been made in GRIHA. The new version of GRIHA is called GRIHA version 3. These changes are applicable for all projects which have registered after 10th August 2012. Attached is a document which lists the changes that have been made in GRIHA. In addition to the above, based on recent TAC discussions, further changes were introduced in GRIHA Criterion 13, 14 and 18 on 20th May 2013. The technical document provided below highlights all the changes introduced in GRIHA ver 3.
GRIHA version 3 update
For all projects which have been registered before August 2012 under GRIHA, we would request you to kindly let us know, if you would like to migrate to the newer version.Please send your request to