Half day GRIHA awareness programme in Goa

Events Half day GRIHA awareness programme in Goa
Apr 26, 2018
Apr 26, 2018
The International Centre Goa, Dr. E Borges Road, Dona Paula, Goa - 403004

GRIHA Council had organized a half day awareness programme in association with ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers) Mumbai chapter and ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) Goa chapter for architects, engineers, policy makers, developers and other relevant stakeholders in Goa.

Dr. Putturaju, Chief Town Planner, Town and Country Planning Department, Goa was the chief guest for this programme. He shared his views on green buildings and its benefits. Dr. Putturaju shared the dias with Mr, Manoj Pandey, President of ISHRAE Goa chapter along with other eminent speakers of the programme.

An overview of the GRIHA rating system and its variants was delivered by GRIHA Council's Manager, which was followed by a case study presentation on the ongoing GRIHA registered project by a practicing architect in Goa.

The objective of this awareness program was to showcase sustainable approach towards planning, development and management of various resources related to the building and group of buildings. The programme gave the participants an opportunity to explore green buildings and to understand the importance of going green. Participants found this programme knowledgeable and showed interest to attend 3 days training programme to understand GRIHA in detail.
