Innovations at Brighton's Eco Technology Show

News and Updates > Innovations at Brighton's Eco Technology Show
Green Building Press
Apr 30 2014

Preparations for The Eco Technology Show, to be held in Brighton in June, are gathering momentum, with a raft of new exhibitors showcasing green building innovations One of the new sustainable building materials on show is 'Econoblock'. This is a lightweight load-bearing structural breeze block from Econovate Ltd, with high thermal insulation performances, constructed from waste paper and cardboard diverted from landfills. Yelo Architects will showcase their unique approach to sustainable building design. The company will also reveal a proposal to integrate a food growing system on all of the balconies at its One Hove Park scheme. The latest hybrid PV and thermal solar solutions which can significantly reduce a building’s carbon footprint will be presented by Newform Energy. The company will also launch two new solar panels, a new multi-source heat pump and new solar controller.

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