Invitation to share start up stories for Shashwat - The Annual GRIHA Magazine, 2022

The Annual Magazine of GRIHA Council "Shashwat - Let Nature Be”, is released every year. It also has an ISSN number for its online version- (ISSN - 2581-9291). Its previous issues had themes such as, ‘Sustainable is Affordable’, ‘Fostering Partnerships for Sustainable Habitats’, ‘Approach to Integrated Sustainability’, ‘Rejuvenating Resilient Habitats’ and ‘Restoring Green Economy’. It encompasses articles, interviews, testimonials and blogs from experts with diverse backgrounds who have significantly contributed to new areas of research in the domain of Sustainability.
This year, GRIHA Council extends an invitation to share your start-up story with us in the 9th edition of the magazine, with the theme – ‘Towards Net Positive Habitats’. Net positive habitat is a concept that aims to prioritize the society and nurture the environment by giving back more than what has been taken without compromising on the financial aspects. The technological advancements and innovative solutions emerging in the industries such as plumbing, electric power, HVAC, waste management and construction materials provide great opportunities to the building industry towards reducing the energy and GHG emissions.
The write up should include the following points in not more than 400-600 words -
- Journey of your start-up
- Your contribution towards sustainable change
The start-up story must be submitted through email to marking a copy to with the subject line: Start-up Story for Shashwat 2022 by 8th of August, 2022.
The following guidelines must be followed when submitting the start-up story:
For the images, the following points should be kept in mind:
1. A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 high-resolution images to be submitted.
2. High resolution photograph of the author to be submitted.
3. Images should be in JPG format (the file size should be greater than 1 MB)
4. Images should not be blurred and should be a minimum of 300 DPI
5. Images should not be embedded in the word doc. They should be submitted in a separate folder in addition to being placed for reference in the word document.
6. Images in the content should be only self-clicked photographs.