Inviting articles for the 8th edition of Shashwat-Let Nature Be, GRIHA Annual Magazine

The Annual Magazine of GRIHA Council "Shashwat - Let Nature Be", is released every year. It also has an ISSN number for its online version- (ISSN - 2581-9291). Its previous issues had themes such as, 'Sustainable is Affordable’, 'Fostering Partnerships for Sustainable Habitats', 'Approach to Integrated Sustainability' and 'Rejuvenating Resilient Habitats'. It encompasses articles, interviews, testimonials and blogs from experts with diverse backgrounds who have significantly contributed to new areas of research in the domain of Sustainability.
This year, GRIHA Council extends an invitation to you for contributing an article in the 8th edition of the magazine, with the theme - 'Restoring Green Economy'. A green economy is resource-efficient, low carbon and socially inclusive. Within this type of economy, income growth and employment would be driven by both public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions, enhance resource efficiency and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The article must be submitted through email to marking a copy to with the subject line: Article for Shashwat, latest by 16th of August, 2021.
The guidelines for submitting articles are as follows:
- Prospective authors are encouraged to write an article specifically for this magazine. It is also possible to draw insights from an already published work. The articles can be related to various aspects of environmental sustainability.
- Authors could be professionals working in the field of sustainability, policymakers, academicians, students etc. We encourage authors to cover new developments in the field, opinions about various facets of sustainability etc. We invite innovative and stimulating articles related to but not restricted to the list given below:
- Green Jobs and Growth
- Investment in Green Economy
- Green Economy principles
- Financial sustainability
- Equitable distribution of resources
- Decarbonisation
- Carbon pricing
- Smart mobility
- Building resilient infrastructure for the future
- Disaster preparedness of infrastructure
- Health and sustainability
- Behavioural changes for sustainability
- Partnerships for a better planet
- Rethinking occupant health and comfort
- Energy and the environment
- Corporate sustainability
- Extended producer responsibility
- Energy efficiency in habitats
- Water efficiency
- Natural habitat preservation and restoration
- Culture and sustainability
- Green procurement
- Sustainable design solutions
- Regenerative habitats
Please note: The list of topics given above is indicative.
We request you to follow these basic Dos and Don’ts:
High-resolution author photograph(s) (to be published with the article) and images relevant to the article have to be submitted.
The following guidelines must be followed when submitting photographs:
- A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 high-resolution images to be submitted per article.
- Images should be in JPG format (and the file size should be greater than 1 MB)
- Images should not be blurred and should be a minimum of 300 DPI
- Images should not be embedded in the word doc. They should be submitted in a separate folder in addition to being placed for reference in the word document.
- Images in the content should be either self-clicked photographs or images from the Shutterstock website only to avoid copyright issues.
- Necessary captions should be provided for all images.
For the author bio-note, the following points should be kept in mind:
- The word count should be 50-60 words in which the current designation details along with area(s) of interest should be mentioned. In case an author has been felicitated/honoured, then that should be mentioned.
- It should also contain contact details (email id) of the author(s) so that the readers may connect with them.
- Example: Dr ABC, a PhD from the PQR School of Architecture and Design has twenty years of experience in developing cost-effective, sustainable ways of designing community housing projects. In his current role as the CEO of XYZ, he has successfully brought 'green designing’ to the forefront of agricultural practices.
For the article, the following points should be kept in mind:
- The word count of the article should not exceed 1200 - 1500 words. Please Note: In case the word limit is exceeded, the article will not be shortlisted.
- The article headings should not read like sentences; they have to be short and crisp.
- The font should be Times New Roman (size 12) and margins should be normal (i.e. 1" all sides).
- The use of references and/or endnotes is strongly encouraged, as they increase the relevance and significance of an article. Include all appropriate source information (e.g., author, publisher, the title of book or article, magazine name, date/year of publication, country of publication, etc.) in Chicago style referencing. The author is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for quoted or borrowed material.
- The editorial committee formulated by GRIHA Council will choose the articles from those submitted for publication. The criteria for the selection are relevance to the Shashwat theme, originality of scope, theoretical sophistication, and pictorial representation, amongst others.