Jaipur gets country’s greenest govt building houses environment centre

News and Updates > Jaipur gets country’s greenest govt building houses environment centre
Deccan Herald
May 4 2013

The country's first ever government five-star rated green building, the International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED), was inaugurated by vice president Hamid Ansari on 04 May 2013. Located in Kant Kalwar area of Jaipur, about 50 Km from the city on Jaipur-Delhi road, the institute was commissioned by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Vinod Rai, after the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions chose India as the centre for imparting environmental and sustainable development audit. Rajasthan governor Margaret Alva also attended the inauguration. The total built-up area is 3,30,000 sqft on 16.5 acres. The project has been developed on the GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) principles, and is based on a sustainable design concept.

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