Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GRIHA Council and BVDU College of Architecture, Pune

GRIHA Council and BVDU College of Architecture, Pune signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly work with a common vision of promoting sustainability in the built environment and disseminating knowledge through awareness & education. The MoU was signed by Mr. Sanjay Seth, Vice President & Chief Executive Officer of GRIHA Council and Senior Director of the Sustainable Infrastructure Programme, TERI and Prof. Dr. KAVITA MURUGKAR, Principal, BVDU College of Architecture, Pune in the presence of Ms. Shabnam Bassi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer-Cum-Secretary & Treasurer, GRIHA Council and Director, Sustainable Buildings Division, TERI and Dr. Shashank Joshi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, BVDU Pune. The MoU intends to share knowledge & networking between the members of the two parties, for outreach and information exchange. It marks a significant milestone for both the organizations for commitment to sustainability and capacity building for the holistic growth of its students.