Green, energy efficient buildings are the need of the hour, say experts during Green Tour

News and Updates > Green, energy efficient buildings are the need of the hour, say experts during Green Tour
India Blooms
Nov 11 2014

TREI (The Energy and Resources Institute) and ADaRSH (Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats) on November 11 2014 organized a Green Tour of the Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, India’s first net zero energy building, which has been constructed through the adoption of solar passive design and energy efficient building material. The building has got GRIHA 5-Star (provisional) rating for the following features like the design is such that 75 per cent of natural daylight is utilised to reduce energy consumption, the entire building has an access friendly design for differently-abled persons and with an installed capacity of 930 KW peak power, the building has the largest rooftop solar system among multi-storied buildings in India.

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