Importance of green buildings underscored at IPSC conclave

News and Updates > Importance of green buildings underscored at IPSC conclave
The Times of India
Dec 30 2013

On the penultimate day of the three-day IPSC (Indian Public School Conference) Heads Conclave at The Daly College, representative of the New Delhi-based organization ADaRSH (Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitat) gave a presentation on 'green building and GRIHA (green rating for integrated habitat assessment) rating system.'ADaRSH gives rating to buildings for being 'green building.' Senior Programme Manager Ms Priyanka Kocchar discussed topics like building and environment, broad functions of a building, how buildings impact the environment and what are green buildings. Ms Kocchar also shared on how to design a green building and why is it useful to get buildings rated. Programme Manager at ADaRSH, Mr Apoorv Vij shared details about the rating system of GRIHA. Mr Vij said that school buildings are assessed on water efficiency, renewable energy utilization, indoor environmental quality and solid waste management factors.

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