GreenWizard, International Living Future Institute label sustainable building products

News and Updates > GreenWizard, International Living Future Institute label sustainable building products
Environmental Leader
Apr 1 2013

Green building software provider GreenWizard has partnered with environmental NGO the International Living Future Institute to promote a more sustainable and transparent built environment. Under the partnership, the Institute's Declare program is integrated into GreenWizard's Product Management Workflow, a web-based product data and documentation tool that helps builders define sustainability goals, find products to meet those goals, and achieve green-building certification. Declare is a "nutrition label" of sorts for building products. Design and construction professionals use the Declare label to find building products that have disclosed their ingredients, raw material sources and manufacturing locations in support of the Living Building Challenge stringent materials requirements. To be certified under the Institute's Living Building Challenge, projects must meet a series of sustainability requirements including net zero energy, waste and water, over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy.

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