National Conference on Green Design 2013
ADaRSH along with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is organizing its flagship event the National Conference on Green Design 4th edition in New Delhi on 14-15 February 2013. The National Conference on Green Design is held every year in New Delhi and was attended by over 450 professionals in March 2012. The participants were from different disciplines like architecture, engineering, construction companies, financing institutes etc.
NCGD 2013 is being designed and organized to bring together pioneers in the field of green buildings including policy makers, financial institutions and researchers to share their experiences and view points on the way forward for Green Buildings and Sustainable Habitats in India. The conference aims to serve as a platform to deliberate on and share collective knowledge pertaining to innovative and indigenous solutions towards GRIHA.
In addition, the exhibition on Green Building materials shall provide an opportunity to various manufacturers to showcase their new and upcoming technologies to their target audience.