Training Programme and Site Visit on "Green Buildings" for Students

Events Training Programme and Site Visit on "Green Buildings" for Students
Sep 21, 2015
Sep 22, 2015
Navi Mumbai
1 Day Training Program

Training Programme and Site Visit on "Green Buildings" for Students

A two day training programme and site visit to a GRIHA rated green project was organised by GRIHA Council for students from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture, Navi Mumbai undergoing B.Arch. degree. Site visit to Govardhan Ecovillage (GEV) project, a GRIHA rated building in Thane, Maharashtra was facilitated by ISKCON officials during the event.

On day one presentation on green buildings was delivered by Mr. Akash Deep and Mr. Ankit Bhalla to disseminate knowledge regarding green buildings, rating process, criteria requirements and compliance measures for different variants of rating provided by GRIHA Council.

Two variances of GRIHA rating namely,

  • GRIHA – National rating system for projects built up area more than 2500 sqm.
  • SVA GRIHA – for projects having built up area less than 2500 sqm were briefed to the students.

Post lunch sessions on Human Comfort (visual, thermal & acoustic) was taken up by Mr. Ankit Bhalla, in which NBC 2005, ECBC 2007, CPCB guidelines and code to be followed for achieving human comfort in buildings were explained to the students.

On day two field visit was conducted at Govardhan ecovillage with students on (visual, thermal & acoustic comfort), this field exercise helped students to better understand the importance of designing the buildings with respect to visual, thermal and acoustic comfort for the occupants of the building. To make the students better understand the concept of human comfort, visual, thermal and acoustic audit was done by students under the supervision of GRIHA Council officials and college faculty of GRIHA rated Govardhan eco village.

The visit was organized to showcase green measures implemented in a net zero building designed and constructed by ISKCON. The project has been awarded GRIHA 5 star rating and has implemented many green features, which provide a good case study for students and professionals from architecture and construction field.

Over 80 students and 10 lecturers from BVP college of Architecture participated and were benefited from the programme. A certificate of participation and a pen drive was given to students and faculty at the end of the second day. Overall programme received an overwhelming response from the attendees.