Students' Awareness Programme by GRIHA Council at Amity University, Noida

Events Students' Awareness Programme by GRIHA Council at Amity University, Noida
Aug 7, 2015
Aug 7, 2015
Amity University, Noida
1 Day Training Program

Students' Awareness Programme by GRIHA Council at Amity University, Noida

GRIHA Council organized a one-day awareness programme for 138 B.Arch. students and 14 faculty members of Amity School of Architecture & Planning - Amity University, NOIDA on August 7, 2015.

Two short presentation about GRIHA and green buildings was conducted, which was followed by a field exercise, where students performed visual, thermal and acoustic audit of their campus, this field exercise helped students to better understand the importance of designing the buildings with respect to visual, thermal and acoustic comfort for the occupants.

The purpose of this awareness programme was to demonstrate the green innovations that are being incorporated in the building design. The programme gave the students an opportunity to explore green buildings and to understand the importance of going green.