3-Day GRIHA V 2015 Training Programme at Hyderabad
A three day intensive training programme was organized by GRIHA Council from 21st to 23rd February, 2018 at Hyderabad, Telangana to give a detailed understanding of the GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) rating system to industry professionals.
The programme focused on various aspects of designing, planning, implementation, construction and maintenance. The sessions conducted in the programme discussed the concepts, requirements and benefits of sustainable site planning, construction management, occupant comfort & well-being, energy management, performance metering and monitoring, water management, solid waste management, socio-economic strategies and sustainable building materials. The 3-day programme was divided into nine sessions and each session was carried out with the help of presentations related to the respective criterion. The teachings were further enhanced by group exercises as well as individual exercises where the participants actively got involved. The sessions also witnessed healthy debates and deliberations on various aspects of sustainability which in turn enriched the understanding of the same among all and was appreciated by the participants. Reference material and presentations made during the programme were made available to each participant. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from various backgrounds which included architects, engineers, academicians, students, government officials and others.