One Day GRIHA Awareness Programme for members of Indian Institute of Architects

Events One Day GRIHA Awareness Programme for members of Indian Institute of Architects
Mar 16, 2019
Mar 16, 2019
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
1 Day Training Program

One Day GRIHA Awareness Programme

A one day GRIHA Awareness Programme was organized by GRIHA Council in association with Indian Institute of Architects (IIA), Northern Chapter on 16th March, 2019 at TERI, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

The programme was designed to facilitate the members of IIA to develop an understanding on GRIHA and create awareness on general concepts and processes under GRIHA. The programme commenced with a welcome address by Mr Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council and Ar. Shamit Manchanda, Chairman, Northern Chapter, IIA. Mr Seth shared how GRIHA has been contributing in the green building movement and its association with various institutes and government bodies in creating an impact nationally. Recognizing the brand Ar. Manchanda appreciated the efforts of GRIHA in creating awareness and ensuring that the ratings cater to the present needs and upcoming technologies.

Mr. Gaurav Shorey shared his views on the major environmental challenges faced by today’s building sector and the need to create green buildings. He shared the statistical data of current urban population, building demand and unprecedented pressure on the energy resources emphasizing on the need for green construction at large. This was followed by an overview of GRIHA rating system and its variants, highlighting the intent of the sections and their criteria. To give the participants a detailed idea about how projects have benefitted by adopting GRIHA, case studies under the GRIHA and SVAGRIHA variant were presented by the project architects.

The programme was attended by more than 40 members of the IIA, Northern chapter and was very well received.