Online Training Programme on GRIHA AH

Events Online Training Programme on GRIHA AH
Jul 27, 2024
Jul 27, 2024
1 Day Training Program


GRIHA Council is organizing a one-day online training Programme designed to equip stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills for successful implementation of GRIHA for Affordable Housing (GRIHA AH).


GRIHA AH is a green building rating system specifically tailored to the affordable housing sector. In line with its philosophy and with the purpose of taking sustainability to the masses, GRIHA has developed this rating variant called as "GRIHA for Affordable Housing" which is aligned to the PMAY. With the help of GRIHA AH rating, many low-income households shall be able to reduce the operational costs and GHG emissions by improving their resource efficiency. The rating would evaluate the environmental performance of residences holistically over its entire life cycle. The rating thus provides a definitive standard for what constitutes a 'green building' as it is a dedicated assessment cum rating tool, and a pre-fed calculator-based system. This Programme acknowledges the critical role of sustainable practices in cost-effective housing projects, fostering environmental responsibility and occupant well-being while maintaining affordability.

About the Training Programme:

This intensive online Programme offers a deep dive into the GRIHA AH rating system. Through a combination of informative presentations, interactive sessions, and real-world case studies, participants will gain valuable insights into:

  • The core principles and demonstrable benefits of GRIHA AH
  • The Six Core Sections: A comprehensive exploration of Site Planning, Energy & Occupant Comfort, Water Savings, Waste Management, Sustainable Building Materials, and Social Aspects
  • Earning GRIHA AH Rating: Understanding mandatory and optional criteria for achieving rating levels (1-star to 5-star)
  • Practical strategies for integrating GRIHA AH principles into affordable housing projects

This training Programme is ideally suited for the following professionals:

  • Architects, engineers, and planners actively involved in affordable housing development
  • Builders and developers seeking to incorporate sustainable practices into their projects
  • Government officials and policymakers responsible for affordable housing initiatives
  • Consultants and sustainability professionals aiming to expand their expertise in GRIHA AH
  • Individuals with a keen interest in learning about sustainable affordable housing

We encourage all stakeholders involved in affordable housing development to register for this training Programme. By participating, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to a more sustainable future for affordable housing in India.

For other training programmes refer to our annual training calendar. (put this link on highlighted text: