Paving the path for a sustainable career

News and Updates > Paving the path for a sustainable career
Deccan Herald
Jun 17 2015

Fast-paced growth, global tastes and dominance of technology demand an overhaul in the field of architecture. Sridhar Rajan stresses on the factors that need to to be worked upon to be in sync with the dynamic world. In this dynamic world of increased technology, improved payment capacities, quick shifts from one style and taste to another and globalised trades, it becomes mandatory that we keep our education system not only updated but ahead of the times.

This applies to architectural education too. Starting from interior spaces, to cities, from products to landscapes, everywhere there is a run for something 'new'. Only an architect who has been trained with the latest in the trends and nuances of both history and modernism of architecture can take today's architectural creation to a new level.

The architectural education in India is monitored and regulated by the Council of Architecture (COA), New Delhi, under the purview of The Architects Act, 1972. There are about 387 schools as independent institutions and as departments in engineering colleges all over India. Due to the surge in real estate and infrastructure growth from the early 90s, a number of architecture schools have started all over the country. It has become a difficult task for the institutions to find suitable faculty.

The education itself has transformed from mere schools of thought, to a more open-minded approach. Student work submission is now being done electronically and foreign collaborations have become easier today. Building standards have a wider range now like the Leed, Griha, IGBC, Regional Building Standards, National Building Standards and Global Building Standards.

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