Six documents to check when booking a flat

News and Updates > Six documents to check when booking a flat
The Economic Times
Apr 30 2014

When comparing properties we usually look at location, price and possession date. These are no doubt important parameters for short-listing, however there are many more important things to check before you finalize a deal. Ask for copies of all necessary permissions prior to making any financial commitment. Check the following documents and clearance certificates to avoid getting into any legal tangle in future: Legal documentation and clearances for Land Record, Construction Clearances, Approved Planning, Land Use Certificate, Master Plan of the Area, No Objection Certificates (NOCs). It is good to run an additional check and verify that the building plan and layout plan has been approved and no byelaw applicable in the area has been broken. Make sure that the floor where you have booked your flat has been approved in the building plan. Also, some projects claim a 'green status'. In that case it should be either certified by the Indian Green Building Council or be rated by Green Buildings Rating System India (GRIHA), a TERI initiative. The focus areas of all such certification for a building are energy, water and waste management. There are couple of other rating systems available right now in India but GRIHA is the most popular and has standardized norms.

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