Smart solutions for sustainable cities: translating vision to reality

News and Updates > Smart solutions for sustainable cities: translating vision to reality
The Economic Times (Blogs)
Aug 21 2014

Smartness is synonymous to being stylish, neat and intelligent. Translating the concept of smartness to cities shall mean cities to be livable, safe, healthy, neat and responsive to citizens’ needs. The challenges faced by Indian cities are well established and yet we see steady migration to cities for job and better lifestyles. Cities thus continue to face challenges over increased population to be served by limited services and resources. The demand supply gap in water sector will reach a whopping 1,500 bcm (by 2030) while current supply is only about 744 bcm; associated with this, overexploitation of groundwater , declining water availability and deterioration in surface and groundwater quality remains a constant challenge. In the transport sector, 4 times increase in cars is expected between 2011 and 2025.

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