TERI spells out sustainable development plan for new govt.

News and Updates > TERI spells out sustainable development plan for new govt.
The Times of India
May 21 2014

TERI (The Energy Resources Institute) has put together recommendations on sustainable development for the new government, in a report that covers water, air pollution, waste management, green infrastructure, transport, energy security and renewable energy. The institute has calculated the economic cost of inaction and spelled out the framework and policies that the government must focus on to yield results in the first 100 days. "We need leapfrog measures now, that also cover the un-served population of our country," said Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General of TERI and chairperson of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

It proposes higher taxes on non-compliant and inefficient appliances/buildings and developing transparent institutional mechanisms at the state and municipal levels to facilitate implementation of resource efficiency thorough Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA).

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