Webinar on GREEN Buildings & GRIHA for Acharya Institutes, Bangalore

On the occasion of "World Environment Day", GRIHA Council conducted the webinar "GREEN BUILDING & GRIHA" for Acharya Institutes, Bangalore on 5th of June, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The intent of the webinar was to raise awareness amongst the students and faculty of Civil Engineering department of the Institute on Green Buildings and GRIHA.
Mr. Gagan Kechira, Manager, GRIHA Council presented on Green Buildings and introduced the attendees to GRIHA Council and its variants. Criteria related to Civil Engineering in GRIHA V.2015 was explained with examples. Case studies on a GRIHA rated project was then presented. A Q&A session was also conducted after the presentation to clarify queries of the attendees. The webinar concluded with Mr. Gagan Kechira, thanking Acharya Institutes for giving GRIHA Council the opportunity to present on Green Buildings on "World Environment Day". He said, there couldn’t have a more apt day to sensitize students on the importance of Sustainability.
The webinar was attended by 66 students and faculty and was very well received.