GRIHA Council conducts awareness workshops/training program on Green Buildings and GRIHA rating system. To make the information readily accessible and available for our clients, consultants, construction industry officers and general public, GRIHA Council has started a series of webinar.
Webinar are web-based seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web. Webinar helps to make these sessions interactive by the ability to give, receive and discuss information.
Past Webinar
A webinar "Green buildings- The GRIHA way" was conducted on May 1, 2020 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. The webinar was conducted specially for the students of academic institutions to create awareness about green buildings and GRIHA rating system.
Learning Outcomes of the webinar:
- About GRIHA Rating System
- Case studies of the GRIHA rated projects
- Daylight area calculation
- Effective SHGC calculation of fenestration
- EPI and water calculations
GRIHA Council conducted a webinar on 'Building Fitness Indicator (BFI) - A social initiative of GRIHA Council' on April 28 (World Day for Safety and Health at Work), 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Learning Outcomes of the webinar:
- Getting to know about the measures to take at workplace post lockdown.
- In detail understanding the precautionary and planning measures to fight COVID-19.
- Hands on experience of the tool which will allow the organization to measure the preparedness towards the workplace and for the workforce.
GRIHA Council conducted a webinar on the new version of the GRIHA rating- Version 2019. The webinar focused on the changes that GRIHA v.2015 has undergone in order to account for the ongoing advancements in the highly dynamic construction sector. It also gave the participants an overview of the newly integrated concepts like life cycle cost analysis, life cycle analysis, and water performance index to name a few.
Learning Outcomes of the webinar:
- Changes in the rating process of V 2019
- Changes in the rating structure of V 2019
- Updated Sections & Criteria of V 2019
GRIHA Council organized a Webinar on "Conducting GRIHA Site Visit by Certified Professsional" on 18 January 2020. Mr Akash Deep, Senior Manager, GRIHA Council gave an introduction to GRIHA due diligence platform, discussed on the role of certified professionals in conducting GRIHA site visits. This was followed by a Q&A session.
TERI Council for Business Sustainability (CBS) conducted the sixth webinar in the series of 'Thought Leadership Webinar' for Indian companies and businesses.
Given India's commitment under the Paris Agreement and the Kigali Agreement, there is a surge in the usage of HVAC systems in India is being coupled with the potential to embed energy efficiency features and use of cost-effective low GWP refrigerants. The National Building Code has requirements on the use of zero-ODP and low-GWP refrigerants. In the green building space this assumes immense importance. This webinar was focused on this transition and captured the leadership initiatives among Indian businesses. The key points of discussions included:
- Understanding legislation and choice of the right refrigerants;
- Rethinking equipment design, installation, and operation for greater efficiency and sustainability and
- Lesson learnt on what has worked and what hasn't
GRIHA Council conducted a webinar on GRIHA for Affordable Housing (AH) rating variant on 15th June, 2018 15:00 to 16:30 hrs.
Learning Outcomes of the webinar -
- Intent behind each criterion of the GRIHA AH rating variant
- Rating process
- Mandatory criteria
- Required documentation
The webinar was conducted to showcase the intent behind each criterion of the GRIHA EB rating variant. The session informed the audience about the rating process, mandatory criteria and required documentation for each appraisal.