Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General of TERI has said that Himachal Pradesh will be highlighted as a role model in…
News and Updates
12 September 2012
The Hindustan Times
Himachal will be showcased as a model in green development: Pachauri
3 September 2012
The Hindustan Times
Now, small buildings can go for green stars
The focus of energy efficiency has usually been large buildings, whether residential or commercial. Now, there is a…
27 August 2012
New Zealand Herald
New Zealand: Auckland's first six Green Star-rated building is just about to open its doors
After 14 years of on-and-off planning and development, a new building in Parnell promises to be an example of the…
25 August 2012
The Hindu
India: A green revolution in letter and in spirit
Indira Paryavaran Bhavan in New Delhi will be the countrys first green building to have on-site generation of power…
21 August 2012
India PRWire
India: GRIHA pre-certification for Orbit Groups Terrace and grand projects
ADaRSH (Association for Development and Research for Sustainable Habitats) has awarded GRIHA pre-certification to…
15 August 2012
The Economic Times
India: Golf course extension road gaining prominence in realty developments
The Golf Course Extension Road, which is relatively a new locality, is gaining prominence owing to its easy…