Green buildings are gaining momentum and could account for 20 per cent of all construction by 2030. According to the…
News and Updates
21 June 2012
India Today
Eco-friendly interiors the new mantra
With celebrities like Ms Gul Panag showing the way by creating a completely eco-friendly holiday home near Pune,…
18 June 2012
Gulf Times
Qatar code for green building goes global
GSAS embarks on creating a new standard for sustainable benchmarking in green building developments. The GORD (Gulf…
15 June 2012
Architecture and Design
Australia: Green Building Council launches sustainable cities and communities rating too
The GBCA (Green Building Council of Australia) has released Green Star - Communities, an independent, national…
13 June 2012
Gul Panag's new eco-friendly home
Gul Panang's new home in Pune will be designed to in a way that very little electricity is required and have lots of…
9 June 2012
The Economic Times
Understanding link between biodiversity and economy would help us make a green state
Green buildings have captured the imagination of people, but understanding the linkages between biodiversity and…